Off to the airport I go..

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
My birthmom's mother, I guess that would make her my grandmother, is having triple bypass surgery. Since I am lacking in the feelings department (I know that sounds horrible, but I was not raised by these people nor have I known them for a very long time, so I am having a hard time getting emotional about it).. I volunteered to drive the 2 hours to Houston to pick up my baby brother from his flight in from Iraq. I am excited to see him, but the flight is at like 2 am, and he does talk to much, and he is one of those people who boasts... I think the military uses the term *false bravado*

If I don't come back.. send out a search party... for my truck... it's Limited Edition and numbered, and might be valuable to my sons someday. Don't bother to look for me, as I most likely killed EJ, hid the body, and I am on the lamb and don't wish to be found.

Ok, ya'll can chastize me now..
Lemmie clarify..

I may boast, but I am telling the truth...

EJ boasts about stuff like *I invented Ding Dongs while riding my gold plated diamond encrusted Harley through the streets of Fallujah wearing nothing but my chaps and my Stetson.*

Or my personal favorite.. last year, when he was a senior in HS and was a bagger at a local grocery store *Yeah I went to such and such Ford Dealership and wrote a check for $67K for a King Ranch Power Stroke F-350 Diesel Dually, but I wrecked it, thats why I am still peddlin my bike around*
Hahahahaha nice. Well you're probably back already but safe driving and I'll save up for your bail just in case :p
Sorry to hear your too "sick" to go pick up your brother. I was solooking forward to posting bail!

Nojury of your peerswould convict you... (I have a brother like that... don't think I haven't thought about it...)


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