New Member
I have been raising Holland lops for many years now. I have two pedigree Holland lops that I bred recently. It is the does first litter. The buck has had other healthy litters. Male is 2 years old and female is 10 months. She had 7 young. They were kept warm and well fed. Shortly after birth 2 died. They were both smaller than the others. At 15 days old some eyes were not yet opening. There was a milky like substance oozing from eyes after they were moistened with warm water. Pictures were taken yesterday of what the eyes look like when opened up as they keep sealing over. We have been putting raw goat milk from our goats into eyes to try to relieve any infection. We've been doing this treatment twice per day as eye infections are greatly helped with raw milk from past experience with pink eye and other sorts of eye infections. Today, I woke up to find one of the bunnies with no eye problem to be dead! It was the smallest out of the five that were left. Now, I have four 19 day old kits. All nursing well. 2 look fine but are not super active. The two that are dealing with eye infections, are more energetic and seem generally healthier if the eyes were fine. One of these two kits has one eye normal but the other has both eyes that keep sealing. Wondering if anyone has dealt with this before or has any advice.