Here is the details of the different parts of the mesh doorway.
The top two thirds is made of normal NIC cube grates put together toform a panel large enough to cover the door where needed. Ifyou don't have any problems with it, you could do the grates all theway to the floor. I couldn't cause then Oberon would be ableto get to some of the carpet as you can see below.
That is why the bottom is the normal pet gate made of coated wire (sohe can't chew through it.). This was because the pet gatecould be put on the inside half of the door frame and block him fromgetting at any carpet.
The grates are hung from two homemade hooks made out of doubled upstiff wire that I bent into the proper shape and hooked over the doormolding. I then used a screw and washer to further anchor itin place (see below picture).
The grates are just hung from those hooks. I then screwed agate latch type of hook to either side of the door frame.These hooks are used to hold the grates firmly against the door frameso no animal can push it away and sneak through. Simple lineup the hook and latch portions to go over one of the wires of thegrates. (See Below)
I then needed something to span the gap between the grates and the petgate. So I used a remenant of the fine mesh grating Angela so loves touse. I wrapped the top part around the bottom of the gratesand clipped the bottom part to the pet gate using quickclips. (See Below)
This makes it so all you have to do to put it up or take it down ishook the gate into the top hooks, latch the two gate latchs, lock inthe pet gate, and clip the grating to the gate. If there isan emergency the whole thing could be tossed aside quickly by throwingthe two gate latches and popping the pet gate, then the whole messwould come off in one chunk. I found this to be easily donein under two seconds when I tested it.
There it is for anyone who wants it. If there is questions,PM naturestee. My account isn't checked very often so byPMing her, your questions will get answered quicker.