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I was meaning to ask how long, thanks!How often did you do that? I think I'll start with justSprite and Oberon, because they have issues they need to workout. The bathtub is working just fine with Fey and the BigMan. He just needed to work on his rabbit-to-rabbitcommunication skills but he's getting better.

It's hard to find time to do car rides much because James and I don'tsee each other a whole lot with our different work schedules.:(
I did them 3-4 times a week for 2 months or so.

If you cant have someone else drive, you can always put them in the passenger seat where you can get at them if you need to.

When I was bonding Basil, Max, and Tumnus, at first I took all three ata time. They did great. Then, I realized Max was fine with Tumnus, itwas just Basil who was being aggressive when we did neutral territory,so I started just doing Basil and Tumnus and had planned to work Maxback in later. Im not sure what works best since I never got to finish(I stopped when Max got sick). But you may want to try all three atonce..
Poor Oberon just has no social skills. I've hadrescue dogs like that ..were clueless how to respond to another dogappropriately. With puppies i was told that the dog was taken from itssibling too soon and did not learn how to socialize and "play".

I would guess that Oberon being raised for meat had absolutely nointeractions at all that were normal "way back" when he was a littleone.

I really hope that he can learn some of that now but he does seem clueless and mixed up.
He is learning. He doesn't show signsof wanting to attack Fey any more, just the occasional nip.He's been asking for grooming more and more, and starting to flop nextto her.

Not bad considering that the first thing he did when first met her in December was hop up, sniff, and bite!:shock:
I love how at first, he's trying SO HARD to gether attention and asking her to just lay down next to him andsnuggle...then she tries to leave, and Mama intervenes...so theysnuggle (Oberon VERY happily, Fey rather reluctantly, and a bit scared,too, hehe). If only she knew how loved she was byhim....CUTE!!


naturestee wrote:
Flop! Notice Fey's none-to-sure expression. She's wary of him because he still tries to nip her sometimes.


Oberon says "Where'd my snuggle buddy go?"

Ok, so I had to put Fey here because she wouldn't snuggle verywillingly. But she enjoyed it once I set her down there.
Thats true Angela but a lesser person would have given up a long time ago...maybe you are the "rabbit whisperer"

I want so much for it to work out for him with you guys.:pray:
LOL! It's funny because Oberon looks like Lattewhen I put Driz and him together; so happy and content to snuggle. AndFey looks like Drizzle; "Can I move now? I really am not sure aboutthis guy!". :)

The bonding looks like it's going ok. Have you been doing car rides? Ihaven't. It's been too hard w/ my work schedule. But, Haley hadsuggested the dining room table and that's working well. Although,yours looks like it's going well on it's own. Good job!

Oberon looks sovery happy. He's so very lucky to have you!:hug2:

I love that little meat bunny! :wink
Hey guys! I have more pictures andvideos, but I don't have time to put them up right now.Hopefully later today.

I just wanted to share with you that Oberon got to play at being atherapy bunny yesterday. In celebration of Easter and as atreat for the residents, my hubby and I brought Oberon to visit thegroup home that my hubby works at. It's for adultdevelopmentally disabled patients. They ask about our bunniesa lot and James has even made a DVD slide show of pictures for them,and they got to meet Fey last year.

Oberon was a true gentleman. I held him for a while and leteverybody pet him. He didn't mind at all, even when severalof the ladies kissed him on the nose! Then we let him runaround the living room on his harness and leash. He was avery well behaved boy and only a little shy, not scared atall. The residents had a great time with him.

Of course, once we got there James realized he had forgotten the camera. Oh well.

So, as a further dig to the people who thought he should be euthanized,do aggressive rabbits let developmentally disabled strangers kissthem on the nose?
Oh great story and good for Oberon... of course,you're just teasing us with the mention of pitures... and then "nope,not today no time".... boo!

Do you let Oberon spend time with Sprite when Fey is not there? Are they getting along 100% now?

Oberon gets seperate bonding sessions with bothFey and Sprite. Mostly with Fey right now because it's hardfor me to do him and Sprite by myself. They need more carrides which do seem to help, but I can't drive a car in the city andkeep two bunnies safe at the same time. So that's limited tothe few times James has when he can help me.

I actually just finished with a really good bathtub session with himand Fey. He's not nipping aggressively any more, just tinylittle dominance/love nips. They're still working out who isthe top bun, so they're only licking each other's butts and not thenoses. But Fey flopped for the first time today!
Aww I love the video!:D What a happy fellow,he's lucky to have such a greathome with you! I can't getover how much he looks like Pebble....ok a slightly biggerversion;)...but still!
Happy Easter, Maureen!

Here's the pics I promised. Look, he's a lop!


Lily was squirming closer and closer to him in a shy attempt to cuddle. Oberon merely disapproved.

Sprite pretending she's not sitting next to Oberon's cage on purpose. Sure you're not, Sprite!

LOL, the picture of Sprite sitting next toOberon's cage is so precious. She's so spunky - trying tomake you believe she just happened to be there "What? I was justsitting here minding my own business... Oh, is that Oberon over there..well who knew.."

LOL ... but we know the truth...

And the video is great - I love that the kitty sits there the wholetime checking things out - looks like he wants to get in and play too.hah.

He's too sexy for his cage ..too sexy for his greens ..too sexy for his toys..... too sexy for himself....

Shelter bunny"reject" makesfame and fortune in southeast Wi.

He was "discovered" in a dog crate in a shelter in southwest Wi where avolunteer recognized the buddingtalent and star qualitypresence of this New Zealand White raised for a snake's dinner who isnow the dream rabbit of any female bunny ..including the spayed ones.What a face , what a bod , what a guy!!!
Oberon and Sprite are such a cool pair! I keep telling my wife our second rabbit will be a dwarf hotot. :bunnydance:

BTW. how is that pronounced? Hoe Toe or Hah Tot, or something else?