I'm like most of you, and most of the people I have talked to, I don't necessarily like either of the presidential candidates. I've never been a big Clinton supporter but I can honestly admit I was strongly leaning towards her. After she "lost" the race, I haven't known whether or not I was for Obama or McCain.
I just turned 18 in August and I've always wanted to vote. So as you can imagine I've been following the race pretty closely. I was raised a Republican. My father is retired from the military after serving 20 something odd years. He has VERY strong Republican views. I also believed I was republican, up until the middle of my freshman year in high school. That's when I finally opened my eyes to the world around me and saw it for what it really is.
As of right now, I will probably be voting for Obama. I believe McCain's views are too conservative (and they really aren't that conservative). Our society needs a change of which is not going to happen if we keep conservative views. Obviously the society in which we are living in is changing and there is going to be a great struggle if the administration that is in office tries to keep a conservative view.
I definitely made my choice on who I am going to vote for after I heard who McCain chose as his vice presidential candidate. Even thinking that she may become a vice president sickins me for A LOT of reasons. Don't get me wrong, I am a woman and I believe it is about time there has been a woman in office. She however, is NOT that woman. Reasons you ask? Here are some:
She supports having intelligent design taught in schools. For some of you this might actually be something you are for. However to me this is a diaster. I am going to school to be a veterinarian (I'm an undergraduate going through the pre-vet program right now) and so as you can imagine, I am having to take lots of science courses. To have intelligent design brought into the science textbook really bothers me on so many levels. I could write pages on why this is such a bad idea but I will say this, I believe in seperation of Church and State. If someone actually wants to debate on this believe me I will, but I will just say I believe she is wrong on this stance.
She wants to open ANWR for drilling. Ummm...how will this help us anytime soon? According to the Energy Information Administration, we wouldn't see the price of gas drop until the year 2026 to $.75 a barrel! So quite frankly, if America (even the rest of the world) is still dependent upon oil by that year, we are in big bunny crap. This is one thing that sounds great but it's going to take way too long before we even see any of the oil of Alaska. Also, ANWR isn't going to be able to produce enough oil to make us Americans happy whether we like it or not. So we would still be at the mercy of OPEC that can increase/decrease oil production in order to affect oil prices world wide. Also, she argues that ANWR oil development drilling is only going to effect 2000 acres out of I believe 19 million acres (please correct me if I'm wrong). That sounds pretty good right? Wrong. Roads, support structures, pipelines, etc. are all going to have to be built in order to keep drilling sustained. Thus it will take up much more space. We all know that roads basically kill the wilderness anyways.
McCain and her are both for abstinence-only education. If you grew up in the era that I did, you and I both know that this doesn't work. The media portrays sex more and more everyday and teens are naturally drawn to it. So you think that telling us teens we aren't allowed to have sex at all is going to keep teens from doing it? Wrong. Unfortuantly this looks good on paper but doesn't work in a real world with real people. Whether or not anyone likes it, I know from experience most of my peers have had sex (not necessarily intercourse I suppose you can say) in their early teen/pre-teen years for the first time. It's sad yes and most probably contract a disease of some kind. Safe sex has to be taught in the classrooms, that's all I can say. I hate the fact that it has to be but abstience-only education hasn't lowerd teen pregnancy but almost like it highered the rate. Another thing that makes me go Huh? with Paulin is that she ha a daughter that is 17 and is pregnant? So where do these abstinence-only education methods work if even her daughter is having trouble with the issue? Perhaps there is more to this story so I am not going to try to poke holes into it...yet.
She's Anti-Choice. Palin, a member of the anti-choice group Feminists for Life, said during her campaign for governor that she is opposed to abortion, even in cases of rape or incest. I have to admit I am Pro-choice. I believe it is the woman's choice. I also strongly do not believe a woman should have to give birth to a baby concieved from rape or incest. Mind you I do not support partial birth of any kind. I don't categorize myself as a feminist but I believe having Palin as a vice president would set women back from moving forward. America is such a great country because we, women and men, have certain freedoms that many other countries don't. I would rather that not to be taken away or restricted. It really bothers me that she is a woman but yet..it's almost as if she is trying to hold women back.
Now I just made a huge post and I have more to say but I'm gonna go eat something and then study some. Just hearing how a lot of people think she's the greatest choice McCain could ever had made, really REALLY bothers me. I kinda felt like I had to rant.