Obama's Running Mate

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seniorcats wrote:
On the experience issue - Obamatook office as as a US Senator in 2005. He's been running for President for the past 2 years. He has no executive experience - ie daily decision making, which any Governor certainly has. Sarah Palin has an unprecedented 83% approval rating from the peopleshe serves in Alaska.

As for experience in office: Dwight Eisenhower was elected President without having ever held any other elected office. So was Andrew Jackson and Ulysses S. Grant. There may be a few other Presidents I missed.

I am constantlyastounded at the incongruity of this: If Ikill an eagle, I have committed a federal offense subject to prison and fines. If Itake an eagle egg from the nest and smash it, I have committed a federal offense and amsubject toprison and fines. If I kill my own fetus, eh, no problem. Spend some time silently pondering the enormity of it all.

No, I am not a one issue voter, never have been and never will be. I want less federal government, not more. I prefer personal responsibility to being told I am my brother's keeper in all things, at all times and my brother has no obligation to care for himself. I do not believe in dialogue with terrorists or open borders. I do not believe illegal aliens should have 'entitlement' and receive more or better services from the government than our own citizens.I do notin any way, shape or form support so-called sanctuary cities. I would support some type of amnesty plan as being a good practical and humane solution. And yes, I am a Second Amendment Sister.

I will not 'diss' Obama on this forum even though I do not support him in his race for the Presidency. I do believe in freedom of speech and the responsibility that goes along with that freedom. Just because I can, doesn't mean I should....

I hope this thread doesn't become 'too hot to handle.'
First of all - thanks for the history lesson. I didn't realize that information about Dwight Eisenhower and the others.

I think there are a couple of reasons I'm so impressed with McCain's choice. We lived in Alaska for four years, the fact that Sarah Palin took on the "good old boys" and won...shocks me. I'm pleased that she has made choices like said, "We don't want the bridge that goes to nowhere...if we want a bridge...we'll build it ourselves." I'm pleased with the fact she tried to clean up the ethics, etc. of Alaska politics and she has even welcomed an investigation into something that she has been accused of (firing someone who would not fire her brother-in-law during a fierce custody battle). From what I've read - she has welcomed the investigation as she wants to prove she did nothing wrong.

From what I've read of Palin today - instead of talking - she has taken action on issues. In her short time in office she has accomplished things she believed in - versus sitting back and making speeches on them.

I also wonder - and I don't know the answer to this - but did President Clinton have foreign policy experience when he was first elected? I was thinking he was a governor like Palin (only he had been a governor longer).

I also like the fact that McCain picked her because in a way - it shows that he is not looking for a Washington "insider". In spite of the fact I didn't agree with his social politices, I halfway hoped that McCain would pick Sen. Lieberman to show that he can cross the party lines - and especially when I read about what good friends they are.

One of the things that isn't shared much about McCain (at least I didn't know about it until recently - when I heard Jon Voight speaking about it) is that his wife, Cindy McCain is very active in helping children. She formed and ran an organization (American Voluntary Medical Team - AMVT) to help children who had health problems and has led something like 55 medical trips to help children around the world? I think that is the number. Once she returned from Mother Theresa's orphanage with two children - one of which clung to her as they left the plane. John and Cindy McCain went on to adopt that little girl. I forget the exact words John McCain said as Cindy left the plane - something about "It looks like we have another child" or something...

Stories like these don't get told often - I don't know if they'll get told at the convention or not (I hope so).

Anyway - I guess I'll close this by saying that I didn't want to be swayed by Barack's charisma - so I read his speech last night vs. watching it. I have to commend him - I think it was an excellent speech and I'm sure he swayed a lot of voters with it. He made some good points - there were some inaccuracies in it from what I've read - but he really did a good job of reaching out to the "common man".

I think it is going to be a very interesting time coming up - I'm betting many in other nations will be watching with interest (maybe even with more interest than some of us Americans).

To be honest - I'm really looking forward to it. I had considered not even voting this year - I was that disenchanted with McCain for a bit. Now I'm considering volunteering and have been browsing his website and trying to make a decision on if I have the time to do anything.

I'm especially looking forward to the vice presidential debate. I think that will be very interesting!

Dr. Melody may have competition - I just found this on the computer....(I KNEW Zeus wasn't just staying in the garage all the time...).


TinysMom wrote:
I also wonder - and I don't know the answer to this - but did President Clinton have foreign policy experience when he was first elected? I was thinking he was a governor like Palin (only he had been a governor longer).

Correct, Bill Clinton had no foreign policy experience when he ran for the White House. He was the 40th and 42 governor of Arkansas.

Got news for ya'll, Melody is a low down street fighin' radical bunny. She will stop at nothing. She believes in the total subjugation of the human race. Humans, of any race, creed, color, national origin,are inherently inferior to bunnies.

Mel is very impressed with Zeus. He's just her kind of guy - big, handsome and uppity eared.

Melody is not very scrupulous about money either. During her last bid for the Presidency in 2004, she stole all the campaign funds andhopped off to the Cayman Islands.

Forgot something: Remember tha ballot will have all sorts of other candidates on it. We are about guarateed a Libertarian candidate and the infamous Lyndon LaRouche and/or Angela Davis of the American Communist party.
Zeus has the one ear up....and one ear down.....to show he can cross bunny party lines and work with both lops and uppity eared bunnies.

A few more Presidential experience facts. I did forget one president with no elected experience:

Herbert Hoover never served in an elected office until he became President. He did serve in an appointed federal office. HH who served as Secretary of Commerce in the Harding and Coolidge administrations and in various capacities in humanitarian projects during and after World War I, but never ran for an elective office before winning the Presidency in 1928. A Quaker, he never served in the military.

Now here comes my favorite. Abraham Lincoln never served in a federal office prior to becoming President. He did serve 8 years as a Senator in the state of Illinois but not in the US Senate.

We can keep it in line! :) lalena don't worry. We all have strong opinions and that's actually very good. I am interested in what others have to say - I consider voting a very wonderful right that we all have. Regardless of how you vote, I am glad you take the time to do it, and that we are discussing the candidates!

Peg, Tell Zeus that Tony has been practicing so that he has experience in the "Zeus L"


lalena2148 wrote:
seniorcats wrote:
I hope this thread doesn't become 'too hot to handle.'
I hope my comments weren't too out of line. I think it's great that we have a choice in this country based on our own beliefs and choices. :USAflagwaving:Freedom of speech is pretty cool.

By the way, I think a whole bunny presidential cabinet would be great. I could only imagine what they'd add to the consitution. :headsmack
Ok - I'm sorta poking fun....I think this is funny.

I was reading on a website comments from various people about McCain's choice and here is what someone who lives in Alaska shared...

Sarah Palin’s first act as governer was to sell off the jet her predecesor insisted on buying against the will of the Alaskan residents (even thought they were BOTH Republicans). She said she doesn’t NEED one! As a matter of fact she was recently in a minor fender bender on the way to work and SHE was driving, because she insists she doesn’t NEED a driver or limo!

Now here is where the poking fun is gonna come in.....if anyone has ever watched the 7th season of West Wing...there is this segment where Leo McGarry (the VP on the ticket) is to meet his secret service contingent. He's brought into a room filled with these people in suits and is like, 'Ok..who is assigned to me and who is assigned to Santos..." and then he finds out they're all assigned to him..and he's sorta shocked.

After reading this comment above and other things about Governor Palin -I almost picture her being told about her secret service contigent...pulling a gun out of her back pocket and saying, "I can handle it myself...." and I just started laughing.

I think it is because we lived in Alaska for four years and I saw a lot of the "I can do it myself" attitude in folks up there.

I just thought I'd share that bit of humor.....

...oh and Zeus says he's open to running as VP or Prez....he figures if he runs as VP he's in less danger of being assasinated...so he's happy to leave that to Dr. Melody.

But he does insist on 10% of the campaign funds for his craisin addiction...uh....habit...uh..yeah...whatever.

Zeus is really appealing to Melody. She is giving him the binky of approval. She completely undesrtands about the crack, er um , craisin habit. Mel had to go to Craisin 12 Steps a few years back to break the vicious cycle. Mel may be inviting Zeus over for an evenng of carrot martini's, excuse me, a strategy session.
First of all - Bo - Zeus says Tony looks great - but Zeus finds that he gets more does if he keeps the one ear down further...so Tony might want to practice that if he wants a harem someday.

To Melody - Zeus wants to know if the 12 step program worked. If so - he might send his love Tibba so that then he can get all the craisins for himself instead of having to share them with her. He also wants to know if the 12 step program will work for their daily banana treat.

Ali - thanks for those articles - I really enjoyed them. I know most of you will disagree with me - but the more I read of Palin - the more I like her and the more I want to volunteer for the party if I could find the time. (Also - I'm very very shy by nature so I don't know what I could do).

One of the things I like about the choice of Palin is that she is an ordinary person. She wasn't born to a rich family. She got into politics because of something she believed in.

I was watching a tv interview with someone (I forget who - I wanted to say Kay Hutchinson but I don't think it was her) and they pointed out that when Senator Obama was starting his race for the senate - Governor Palin had already been the mayor of Wasilla for 5 years. (If the facts are wrong - it is because I am remembering them wrong). By the time he started his run for the Presidency...she had also chaired the Alaska Conservation Commission which regulates the oil and gas in Alaska.

While she was mayor she reduced property taxes while increasing the services to the city and she also drew in more industry. Once again - this was before Senator Obama was even running for the senate.

This next part is from her website because I can't write it as well.....but since taking office in December of 2006 she has...

Since taking office, her top priorities have been resource development, education and workforce development, public health and safety, and transportation and infrastructure development.

Under her leadership, Alaska invested $5 billion in state savings, overhauled education funding, and implemented the Senior Benefits Program that provides support for low-income older Alaskans. She created Alaska’s Petroleum Systems Integrity Office to provide oversight and maintenance of oil and gas equipment, facilities and infrastructure, and the Climate Change Subcabinet to prepare a climate change strategy for Alaska.

I guess that the point I'm trying to make is that while many may argue inexperience here....she has a reputation for getting things done. She has bucked the system in order to get things done too.

I really really really think this is going to be an interesting race - probably the first election in many many years where I've been excited. Its probably the first race in a while where I've thought about what a privilege it is that we have to vote...something my mom kept pointing out to me (she's 80 years old and has voted in every election that she's been able to vote in).

I also think its neat that McCain picked someone who doesn't agree with him about some things - like drilling in ANWR. It shows that he doesn't want a "yes man" type of VP.

I really am looking forward to the debates now - and I really wish that there would be something like Rick Warren did at Saddleback Church for the VP candidates - because I think we'd get to know them a bit better....both of them.

To Zeus - Melody says 'nope' Craisin 12 Steps did not work. However, she and Ali Bunny are at the mercy of their worthless human when it comes to Craisins. Their treats are rationed. This is why Melody wants to be President, so she can compel humans to give her more craisins.

Melody passes on this hint: WalMart has their own Great Value brand of Craisins that are much cheaper than the name brand. See, Mel is fiscally responsible when it comes to buying bunny crack.
Has anyone here ever gone to factcheck.org and read some of the stuff there? Its really fascinating.

They're not in support of any one candidate....they're not paid for by lobbyists or special interest groups (if I read about them right).

They have information pointing out inaccuracies in both Obama's speeches/ads and McCain's speeches/ads.

Here are a couple of neat links:

About Obama's acceptance speech:

And about McCain - I think this was the most current one - sorry if I'm wrong..


I think I'm going to be visiting that site a lot - to read about both candidates and their speeches and ads, etc.

seniorcats wrote:
To Zeus - Melody says 'nope' Craisin 12 Steps did not work. However, she and Ali Bunny are at the mercy of their worthless human when it comes to Craisins. Their treats are rationed. This is why Melody wants to be President, so she can compel humans to give her more craisins.

Melody passes on this hint: WalMart has their own Great Value brand of Craisins that are much cheaper than the name brand. See, Mel is fiscally responsible when it comes to buying bunny crack.
Zeus has tried the Walmart brand and sometimes has to settle on them when his slave grabs them instead of Ocean Spray. He believes in being fiscally responsible but says what good is money if it isn't buying "the best for the bunny".

He also says he isn't a fan of Walmart and wants to support Ocean Spray...he insists I need to go to factcheck.org to make sure the content in both brands is worthy of his awesomeness...

Me? I think he's got a big head..

I love reading everyone's opinions on here. Verygood comments for both parties.

It's going to be a very interesting race, I myself liked Hilary but then I really like Bill too. Yeah he probably wasn't the best husband, (but she did forgive him and stayed with him) however what little I know or read or hear on TV it sounds like he was a good President.

Good God now it looks like Canada will be going to the polls sometime in October. Now you want to see a few real IDIOTS running for Prime Minister just check out our candidates. Honestly their isn't one I like. But I do feel I need to vote. I truly feel if you don't vote you really shouldn't be out their complaining. And after all as a woman it really hasn't been that many years that we have had the chance to vote.


I had to edit, the word "should" should have been shouldn't
SOOOSKA wrote:
I love reading everyone's opinions on here. Verygood comments for both parties.

It's going to be a very interesting race, I myself liked Hilary but then I really like Bill too. Yeah he probably wasn't the best husband, (but she did forgive him and stayed with him) however what little I know or read or hear on TV it sounds like he was a good President.

Good God now it looks like Canada will be going to the polls sometime in October. Now you want to see a few real IDIOTS running for Prime Minister just check out our candidates. Honestly their isn't one I like. But I do feel I need to vote. I truly feel if you don't vote you really should be out their complaining. And after all as a woman it really hasn't been that many years that we have had the chance to vote.

Now I have to go check out the Canadian elections. My husband has a bunch of sites bookmarked as he loves reading about Canadian politics and government. I am constantly surprised about how much he knows especially on provincial issues.
Peg, they're politicians...... they're all crooked! LOL!

If you get the little papaya cubes from the natural foods section in the grocery.... you might find the craisen addiction has progressed...... Clover will even eat that from our hands!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Peg, they're politicians...... they're all crooked! LOL!

If you get the little papaya cubes from the natural foods section in the grocery.... you might find the craisen addiction has progressed...... Clover will even eat that from our hands!

I am not a crook. (Richard Nixon)

I have the perfect solution for all of us no matter the party.

Elvis for president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


While I'm thinking about Elvis, I ordered 2 Christmas presents for the shelter from Shop elvis. They have excellent customer service and speedy mailing just in case someone has the urge to order.


I have a question for y'all about the Republican convention.

With Gustav on its way towards the Louisiana coastline....do you think the convention should be postponed? Do you think it should go ahead as planned? What do you think?

I'm curious about this as I was really starting to look forward to watching the convention and now seeing that they may postpone it - makes me disappointed.

I do think that President Bush should not speak AT the convention but should instead be closer to where the hurricane hits to be able to grant emergency relief, etc. Then again - it isn't as if he will be using equipment to help folks....

Anyway - I'm just curious about what y'all think.

I know next week there is a really good chance I'll be turning on the tv (something I haven't done in about 3 months as I normally read the internet) and watching the convention..


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