Well-Known Member
Buck, we know what you meant! 
Laura, very interesting analysis. Sounds very much like mypersonality. I'm very shy, but that can be misleading as I'musually the "life of the party" in my social circle. I feelvery uncomfortable in crowds and around people I don't know, but I tendto be personable to everyone. School was a stretch for me tooin terms of the social aspects for the reasons stated above.Luvabun,
No word of a lie, I'm not a people person. I avoid being aroundpeople as often as I can, I even find school daunting because of theamount of people. I'm what you would consider and introvert, a verystrong one! We did some tests for a school class and I came out as 90%introvert and 10% extrovert. For those who don't know, an introvert isshy, quiet, and reserved while an extrovert is outgoing and very muchliking to be the center of attention. Anyways, enough babbling, I trulyam shy and don't enjoy being with lots of people!
Heh.Thank you, but no. I'm a college student, actually, but I hate notknowing the answer to just about anything, so I tend to be a bitobsessive about knowledge. Ask u8myhouse - I'msuch a geek.My idea of fun is learning about a subject that I previously had noknowledge in.