Well-Known Member
Pepper, for me, the verdict is still out onFreddy vs. Jason. Then to, neither of them asstandalones ever made my list of favorites.
Theplot was weak, as I anticipated it would be, and had enough holes todrive a truck through. The acting was mediocre and theblood-and-guts scenes far outweighed the forward movement of thestoryline. To be fair, the movie can be termed successful inthat I don't believe that the writers, producers, and directors meantit to be any more than what it was--a formulaic cinematic retreat thatplayed off of an overdone theme that had proved to be commerciallyprofitablein the past. Along with that, I alwaysfind a moviewith an "uber"-invincible villain(s) to be wayshort of satisfying.
Scream was entertaining, but the sequels have beat a dead horseto a liquified pulp. The Dentist wasbizarre,even for a movie in this genre, yet interesting, salvaged, I think, bythe presence of Corbin Bernsen.
Scream was entertaining, but the sequels have beat a dead horseto a liquified pulp. The Dentist wasbizarre,even for a movie in this genre, yet interesting, salvaged, I think, bythe presence of Corbin Bernsen.