O/T - Please keep US troops in your thoughts

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Pam, thinking ofyou and your family and hoping you get to wrap your arms around yourbrother soon. When you do, whisper in his ear,"Raspberry saysthanks!" He may think you a bit odd but I'm sure you canexplain when you've got time. :)

We're very blessed to have several fathers, sons,and brothers in our church, home from Iraq for awhile. We're sograteful to have them back, safe and sound, with us :)
A friend of mineleaves for Iraq next week.

It really sucks cause hisdaughter was just delivered at 26 weeks weighing in at 2lbs 1/2oz.:(
Have you forgotten?

They aren't all home.

There are stillfaded yellow ribbons in my neighborhood.

I'm still praying for the ones that arethere, the ones that were lost, the ones that can't sleep atnightbecause they will never forget.

This is worth a minute of your time.


Never forgot on this end.

Thank you for the tribute, Raspberry.


My friend made it to Kuwait. He'll be there for 3wks then go to Iraq. His baby daughter is still in thehospital...2 months now.

No, none of themcould ever be forgotten here!

[font="Alfredo's Dance"]If any of you have ever been to amilitary funeral in which taps were [/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"]played; this brings out a new meaning ofit.[/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"][/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"]

Here is something EVERY AMERICAN should know.


We in the
[/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"]UnitedStates[/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"] have all heard the haunting song, "Taps."It's the song that gives us that lump in our throats and usually tearsin our [/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"]eyes. But, do you know thestory behind the song? If not, I think you will be interestedto find out about its humble beginnings.

Reportedly, it all began in 1862 during the Civil War, when UnionArmy Captain Robert Ellicombe was with his men near
[/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"]Harrison[/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"]'s Landing in[/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"]Virginia[/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"]. The Confederate Army was on theother side of the narrow strip of land. During the night,Captain Ellicombe heard the moans of a soldier who lay severely woundedon the field. Not knowing if it was a[/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"]Union[/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"] or Confederate soldier, the Captaindecided to risk his life and bring the stricken man back for medicalattention. Crawling on his stomach through the gunfire, the Captainreached the stricken soldier and began pulling him toward hisencampment. When the Captain finally[/font][font="Alfredo'sDance"]reached his own lines, he discovered itwas actually a Confederate soldier, but the soldier wasdead.

The Captain lit a lantern and suddenly caught his breath and wentnumb with shock. In the dim light, he saw the face of thesoldier. It was his own son. The boy had beenstudying music in the South when the war broke out.Without telling his father, the boy enlisted in theConfederate Army.

The following morning, heartbroken, the father asked permission ofhis superiors to give his son a full military burial, despite his enemystatus. His request was only partially granted. TheCaptain had asked if he could have a group of Army band members play afuneral dirge for his son at the funeral. The request wasturned down since the soldier was a Confederate. But, out of respectfor the father, they did say they could give him only one musician.The Captain chose a bugler. He asked the bugler toplay a series of musical notes he had found on a piece of paper in thepocket of the dead youth's uniform. This wish wasgranted.

The haunting melody, we now know as "Taps" ... used at militaryfunerals was born. The words are ..

Day is done ... Gone the sun. From the lakes ... From thehills ... From thesky .. All is well .. Safely rest ... God is nigh .

Fading light ... Dims the sight ... And a star ... Gems the skyGleamingbright .. From afar ... Drawing nigh ... Falls the night ..

Thanks and praise ... For our days ... Neath the sun . Neath thestars ... Neath the sky ... As we go ... This we know .. God is nigh.

I, too, have felt the chills while listening to "Taps" but I havenever seen all the words to the song until now. I didn't evenknow there wasmore than one verse. I alsonever knew the story behind the song and I didn't know if you hadeither so I thought I'd pass it along. I now have an evendeeper respect for the song than I did before.

[font="Alfredo's Dance"]REMEMBER THOSE LOST ANDHARMED WHILE SERVING THEIR COUNTRY. And also thosepresently serving in the Armed Forces.[/font]
Thank you sooooooo much for sharing this, Carolyn!

Hearing TAPS played at my father's funeral, in January, washardfor all of my family. We, too, only knew the first verseand (until now)didn't know the story.

Just sharedyour post with Mom. She asked me to print it soshe can put it in Dad's funeral book. My sister wrote the first verseand put it in the book after the funeral. Now Mom/we can have the fullprint out.

Thank you!

edited to add...My friend's (in Iraq now) baby daughter is home. She'son oxygen, but the feeding tube is out and she weighs over 6lbs!
Icould never forget that I can sleep in my warm bed safe and soundbecause of the men and women who make it so Ican.So many lives have been touched by war. Ipray daily for God to be with the men and women serving and theirfamilies.

I too only knew the first verse. I cry everytime I hear it. Iam going to print this out and share it with my Father. Thank youCarolyn.

Raspberry, what a great tribute. Thank you.

Thanks for sharing that Carolyn.

My family has been, I guess you could say, lucky, not to have anyfamily members in Iraq this time, but we did during the GulfWar. Shawn's good friend was just shipped out to Iraq and hiswife is due to deliver their first baby any day. She has hada difficult pregnancy, so she can't come home to have family with herwhen she has the baby. She is in Hawaii. We offeredto go now to be with her, but she asked that we wait until the baby isborn.

I give thanks and prayers everyday for the troops all around the world.



Have you ever noticed on TV or at militaryfunerals that the honor guard pays meticulous attention tocorrectly folding the American flag 13times?

Here it is:

The first fold of our flag is a symbol of life.

The second fold is a symbol of our belief in eternal life.

The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of theveterans departing our ranks who gave aportion of their lives for the defense of our country toattain peace throughout the world.

The fourth fold represents our weaker nature, for asAmerican citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turnin times of peace as well as in time ofwar for His divine guidance.

The fifth fold is a tribute to our country, for in thewords of Stephen Decatur, "Our Country, in dealing withother countries, may she always be right; but it isstill our country, right or wrong."

The sixth fold is for where our hearts lie. It is withour heart that we pledge allegiance to the flag of theUnited States Of America, and to the Republic for whichit stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, withLiberty and Justice for all.

The seventh fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, forit is through the Armed Forces that we protect ourcountry and our flag against all her enemies, whetherthey be found within or without the boundaries of ourrepublic.

The eighth fold is a tribute to the one who entered intothe valley of the shadow of death, that we might see thelight of day, and to honor mother, forwhom it flies on Mother's Day.

The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood; for it hasbeen through their faith, their love, loyalty anddevotion that the character of the men and women whohave made this country great has been molded.

The tenth fold is a tribute to the father, for he, too,has given his sons and daughters for the defense of ourcountry since they were first born.

The eleventh fold, in the eyes of a Hebrew citizenrepresents the lower portion of the seal of King Davidand King Solomon, and glorifies in their eyes, the Godof Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The twelfth fold, in the eyes of a Christian citizen,represents an emblem of eternity andglorifies, in their eyes, God the Father, the Son, and HolySpirit.

When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermostreminding us of our nation's motto, "In God WeTrust".

After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes onthe appearance of a cocked hat, everreminding us of the soldiers who served under GeneralGeorge Washington, and the sailors and marines whoserved under Captain John Paul Jones, who were followedby their comrades and shipmates in the Armed Forces ofthe United States, preserving for us the rights, privileges, andfreedoms we enjoy today.

There are some traditions and ways of doing things which have deep meaning.
I loved the tribute Raspberry!! I'm just getting around to seeing it.

I've been so busy trying to spend time with Aaron since he got homebecause we already knew it was for a short time before heredeploys.

May is Military Apreciation Month so remember to say thanks to thosewho have and who are serving! Also remember to say a prayer for thosewe've lost!

Ty-bee wrote:
May is Military Apreciation Month so remember to say thanks to thosewho have and who are serving! Also remember to say a prayer for thosewe've lost!


In honor of Military Appreciation Month:http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=JM23034904

Also remembering the British troops and all the others thathave our backs. We love and appreciate them just asmuch.


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