Oh goodness, I really thought I had figured out how tohandle this crazy man, but today, he pulled a new one.
Apparently a man whose mother is a patient at the nursing home where mymom's a nurse, overheard a conversation between my mom and a coworkerabout the crazy neighbor. The man told my mom that he knewthe neighbor and would say something to him about it, but my mom askedhim not to. Well, he must have said something because today,another "friend" of the neighbor was knocking on our door to talk tomom's fiance. He proceeded to lecture Dean (mom's fiance)about getting along with your neighbors. Dean said he didn'tdo anything and that the neighbor was threatening me and mydog. The neighbor was listening and promptly shouted that Iwas lying about the entire thing.
The friend said that this man from mom's work had threatened theneighbor and had gotten his motorcycle friends after the neighbor, soapparently the neighboris
Now I'm concerned that the neighbor is going to cause more troublefor me so I just don't even want to see him. This is justawful!!! I'mso.....
of the whole thing.