O/T: I'm Thinking About Going Vegetarian ...

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BunnyMommy, I was a veggie when I was 13 up untilI was 16. I really went the wrong way about it, I ended up in hospitalwith anemia as I just wasn't eating the right things. I got really illas I was just eating quorn sausage and mash potato and cheesesandwiches. I ended up filling myself with vitamin tablets everydayuntil iin the end I though enough is enough and started eating meatagain. At the time I never ate and fruit or vegetables and I feel thatis what made me ill.

At times I will look at meat and not be able to eat it. I can't eatmeet on the bone, like chicken wings and if there is a bone in a pieceof fish I have to leave the whole thing. Another thing is the abattoirvan comes past here about once a week andit is horrible asyou can see and hear all the little piggys, it makes me really sadknowing that they will be inourbreakfasts on Sunday.

I have a pretty good diet now (probably because of the baby) and couldprobably go vegetarian again and not be ill. I think the key isbalance. Try and make sure that there is no nutrient that you areleaving out.

Siobhan and my Dad are both vegetarian. Siobhan's diet is prettybadand I can see hergetting ill like I was. My Dadhowever came vegetarian after he came out of hospital after having hisgall bladder removed and is doing very well on the diet. He didn't likethe idea of the way an animal was treated and he found that meat madehim ill. He has managed to loose a lot of weight this way and eats allhis essential vitamins and minerals. He has a lot of pasta dishes. Hisspecialty is pasta with a tomato sauce with beans (Kidney, runner,black eyed,etc, broccoli, peas and cauliflower.

Hats off to you for doing all your research first and good luck with it if you do decide to go veggie!!!


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