There are so many things to consider when leavingmeat out of your diet, aren't there? I've been lucky in that I alwaysfound it disgusting to eat it, It smells bad to my nose, and if I everput some chicken in my mouth (which I have tried on the odd occasion,just to see) instantly my gag reflex comes on. It's like my body knows,and it doesn't want meat in there!
Also, I have certain memories implanted in my brain which Iwill neverbe able to let go of; the veal calves screaming for their mothers whiletied to those tiny plastic houses...the skinned rabbits hanging frommeat hooks in China Town windows... the roasted pig head at themedieval wedding I attended...I don't know, I love animals, They arefriends! If you don't need to eat them to survive, then why bother? Whyinflict suffering if you don't need to? I know about the food chain,but I think that this very thing is what is wrong with the earth atlarge, because people generally don't think things through completely;They go with the tide, They do what they've always done and not hadtime to really evaluate.
Anyways, sorry about that. One other thing to note is that, after beingvegatarian for many years and vegan off and on too, I tried my personaltrainer sister's recommended diet to lose a couple pounds and hopefullygain more energy...You know, the minimal carbs, lots of protein(chicken& fish) + protein shakes and loads of veggies, but notmuch fruit because supposidly it is too high in sugar and stores as fatin the body. Well, after a few days of eating like that, I woke up withall my joints aching, less energy, and headaches. I've talked to manymeat eaters who find that, when they stop eating it all these chronicpains and problems they were told were just part of the aging processand could do nothing about, just dissapeared! You gotta wonder...
I'll not do that again!
BunnyMommy, your plansounds good, There's a nice balance going on there. I'm vegan and tendto lean towards raw vegan (on good, disciplined days!) so of coursethat's too extreme for almost all people, But with a good mix of lotsof good, minimally processed food you'll probably feel great, and tento one you'll discover awesome veg meals that you may not have had thethoughts to try when eating meat. It's fun! That's what I think.