O/T I have baby fever!!!

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I know the feeling... but atm I am caught up with Wedding Fever.

So much I am 98% sure that I am going to elope before our wedding datein '06. We'll still have the religious ceremony then, butwith my awesome healthcare from my new job, and the fact that we are'living in sin' to coin a catholic phrase =) i just am tired of waiting!

But everytime I see my nephew, or any little kids I justmelt. So does my hunny so its a good thing. Wearent going to wait until we can 'afford' them, just until we both havesteady jobs and our own home. But I have been picking outbaby names for the past 4 years... even before I met my soon to behusband hehe.

But until that time comes... Guinevere and Gir are ourbabies. Although Gir is the unruly teenager at the moment...we still love him hehe
Don't mention the words baby or kids! I come froma big family (not immediate) and there are 23 kids in my generate. 5are between 16 and 25, 2 are between 10 and 13, and the rest are below8 years old! Only about 3 of the remaining 16 are over 4 years old. Andthat's not all, people are expecting in my family again! I tell you,it's getting harder and harder to remember names of just my generation,and normally family get-togethers have 3 genertions there.:?NO MORE KIDS! lol.

And I got way off topic! :shock:I'm sure my aunt might bewilling to lend you one of her 5 boys for a few hours. ;)Idon't know how she does it, :?Ages 8, 6, 4, 3, and 1!
AnnaS wrote:
Iwonder how she wanted more after having 3 of those? or does she reallywants a girl?
lol, lets say the last 2 weren't intentional. My family has a badhistory of having all boys, out of the 23 kids in my generation, only 4are girls, 2 of them would be me and my sister!
Mine's the opposite but only in this generation,just in my immediate family we have5 girls and 2 boys, I haveno idea how many cousins I have but most of them are girls as well. Mypaternal grandmother had nine boys, and my step-father's mother had 11boys and 1 girl... So that basically add up to a whole lota people.

MyBunnyBoys wrote:
AnnaS wrote:
I wonder how shewanted more after having 3 of those? or does she really wants agirl?
lol, lets say the last 2 weren't intentional. My family has a badhistory of having all boys, out of the 23 kids in my generation, only 4are girls, 2 of them would be me and my sister!

oh my! Same with my family. Since 1912 there havebeen only 2 females born into our family (we have a few adopted) mysister and myself. Even my brother had a littleboy! Kinda funny the way that works... =)

I should amend that... that we know of. We just learned ourTRUE last name, not the one they hacked up and gave us at EllisIsland. So we may have more family members in the States thatwe arent aware of =)
I babysit a lot. I babysit a lot of kids under 1.I've babysat 1 girl since she was 6 weeks, although i first got to holdher at 1 week. There was one point when I was babysitting a differentgirl, 5 months at the time, who had an older sister, who was and stillis 3. she's pottytrained, but that day, she had an accident, her sisterwas crying, and i was as calm as I could be when both girls werecrying. When their mom got home, I handed the little one to her (she'dstopped crying at that point), pointed to her other daughter who i'dplopped in front of the TV, and said 'I dont think I want kids yet'.she just laughed and said 'well i hope not!'. I love the little kids,the ones under 2. Thats prolly because my family is crazy. My parentsstarted having kids in their mid 30s, and had me in their mid to late40s. I'm 15. My dad is 62. My sisters are 23 and 21. My cousins are 24and 28. (the latter just got married a month ago). on my dads side, mycousins are in their 30s, all three of whom are married. both my auntsand both my uncles are in their 60s or close to it. so there arent a*lot* of people in "my generation", they're all just really old (and iremind them of that often.... especially the ones over 60. you gottaremind old people that they're old sometimes, or they'll forget and act10)
Dreamgal... I still stand behind this motto

"Babysitting is the best form of birth control"

I have babysat since I was 10. Was a nanny for 7 years andhelped raise two boys. I know I am not ready yet =) Somedayyes, but not right now!
My daughter is 21 i still worry about her.my sonis 4 we didnt plan it that way i wanted another baby right away myhusband said one was enough, thats not what we agreed on when we gotmarried.no fair changing the plans after you have been married so manyyears.so then he said it was the best idea i ever had after the babywas born.bluebird
I think we all get that feeling...I know I haveit right now, even with 4 kids, the oldest 9 and the youngest 10months. My best friend just had her first baby, my other bestfriend is expecting her first baby ( I'm throwing her baby shower onSaturday), my cousin just had her first baby. I'm drowning inbabies!!! No one could be prego when I was, they all had towait until I was done! I asked my hubby if he didn't want another cutelittle girl, and he said heck no, we've got enough, cause in a veryshort time they turn into toddlers and then gradeschoolers!!!

And Raspberry is right, you can never afford kids!!! It's a jugglingact and things will have to be given up, but in the end it is wellworth it...I look at my kids and know I wouldn't change anything, beinga single mom for 6 years or struggling now. It's well worththe effort, headaches and worry that I go through everyday!And if I only get to go out on my birthday and anniversary without thekids, so be it!

dmmcnair wrote:
You can never afford kids!!! It's a juggling act and things will have to be given up, but in the end it is well worth it
That is so true!! It's funny to the things you swore youcouldn't live without before you had kids..don't matter all that muchanymore. Granted its not always easy to give thingsup. Our sacrifices are greatly rewarded though on those dayswhen you get an extra hug for no reason (when they've decided hugs arefor little kids which they no longer are) or when they tuck you inbecause you're the one sick. At the end of the day the goodthings always outweigh the bad, even if it's been one of "those" days!

Wow... just saw this post and it sure hits homehere. I am 25 now, will be 26 in March, married my husbandwhen I was 23. We decided aroundthistimelast year that we were going to start trying to have alittle one. So far, still no luck. I have adoctor's appt. with a specialist in December to see if we can figureout what is up. I'm just very lucky that I'm not the type ofperson that stresses over stuff much or I would be a nervous wreck bynow.

Actually, I am a mom already to his little girl from a previousmarriage. She only gets to stay with us during the summerthough and she was 5 when I first met him, and turning 10 nextmonth! She and I had it a little awkward the first year or soafter her dad and I married... but last summer we REALLY bonded a lotand we both had a blast. I can't wait till she comes backagain and I wish they lived closer. Poor girl gets movedaround a lot because her real dad AND her step-dad are bothmilitary. If one of us isn't moving you can bet the otherprobably is! Luckily, she is a really really great kid andtakes it all with a grain of salt 90% of the time. Whew!

I still have doubts sometimes if I can be a good mom.. but my husbandis very good at assuring me that he doesn't doubt me at all.I know I can handle those later years just fine.... it's the baby stagethat scares me the most. I was the youngest in my family andpreffered lawn mowing jobs in the summer to baby-sitting so I didn'tget any practice that way either :?. Having a little bittytiny newborn terrifies me. Well.... I guess it's better notto put the cart before the horse though... gotta find out if I CAN havebabies before I worry about what to do when they get here!

I have four children myself , ages 7 , 9 , 11 ,and 13 . I can tell you that the worry and second guessing yourself ,is 100% normal - it would be unnormal if you weren't worried .:)Sadly , our little ones don't come with instruction manuals. ;)But , as our children grow , our parenting abilities growwith them. For that reason , I personally don't thinkbabysitting can really prepare us to be parents - caring for our ownchildren is alot different than caring for someone else's , especiallyif the child is older than our own , we haven't "grown" to that stageof child development yet . Also , we don't have the same bond withsomeone else's child as we do with our own , even if it's family - Iknow I tolerate behaviour from my own children , that would drive mecrazy if it were another child . :shock:lol

I agree , no one is ever able to afford a child , lol . Rich , poor ,or in between , I think all of us struggle to try and give our childrenmore than what we have . :p


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