O/T Halloween costumes

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I'll have to get my film developed. Ihave a picture of Buck and Missy dressed up. It was toofunny. Would have to get permission from Buck to postit. The Missus dressed up in afull outfit of BugsBunny. I was a party-pooper and didn't dress up at all.

Carolyn wrote:
I'llhave to get my film developed. I have a picture of Buck andMissy dressed up. It was too funny. Would have toget permission from Buck to post it. The Missus dressed up inafull outfit of Bugs Bunny. I was a party-pooperand didn't dress up at all.

oh please buck can we see.. and carolyn develope ASAP LOL
He was so cute as aBuck the Bunny,Gab!

No! No! No! This is too much!! Hahaha! *falls on the floor*


I dressed up as a vampire, I went to party cityto buy my costume and it cost $5 dollars because it was on the floorand didn't have any assecories. I'm lucky:). My brother was so funnybecause he dressed up as a girl!:pHe is 17. I thought of dressing Nepoas a bear with a cotton tail and paper ears, but I didn't.By the wayI'm sitting here eating candy fromHalloween.
*still laughing* OMG!! :D That is the CUTEST PICTURE I HAVE EVER SEEN!!
THAT IS JUST ADORABLE!!! I love the pink car and your bunnies...they really go well together;)


LuvaBun wrote:
I don't have any pics of my bunnies at Halloween, but I cameacross this one and thought it was so cute. then I worried that ifthese bunnies can drive then the take over will be quicker:shock::shock::shock:

*rolling on the floor laughing hysterically* It's a bunnymobile!! Haha!

Look at those faces!!! :D:D:D:D
well im at a loss to find my camera batterycharger, and my batteries are running low, so i couldnt get anypictures, but we dressed my puppy up in a santa clause outfit.
Well, we dressed my sisters Golden Retriever,Maggie,up by putting a witch hat on her. And I had a basketat the front door in sight of the trick-or-treaters and said Mocha wasthe Easter Bunny! I never got pictures though, I was busy keeping Mochain the basket by petting him and not letting him run out the front door!
I didn't dress my buns up lol :D

But since I'm fourteen and too old to trick or treat but it was fun. Myfriend's andI had a party. :D I was a convict on crutches. Ineed to get my pictures developed. I took two camera's worth ofpictures.

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