O/ t Got some big news!

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Hey Steph! :)

How're ya feeling??? Do you feel any butterflies? Are you past the sickness stage?

Are the rabbits giving you the Love - do they sense something?

Thinking and praying for you Every Day!


P.S. SO Glad Dave came through for Mother's Day.
Heya! I'm feeling great! Haven't had any morningsickness in a while, as I'm going into week 12 in a couple of days, Ithink my symptoms are finally going away. I also have a lot moreenergy, which is nice.

The rabbits were acting very weird at first, but I think everyone hasadjusted to my hormone changes by now.They were all acting like a bunchof freaks for a couple of weeks, but have calmed down thankfullyl. Ascalm as they can be that is. lol
So glad that the sickness part of it ispast. How great that you have energy! I've beenthinking a lot about you. Have you and Dave decided on namesyet? No need to tell what they are, I just was curious abouthow that was going.

Too funny that the three musketters were acting up in thebeginning. Bunnies are so good with babies. Theyjust seem to understand them. Tucker, who's usually shy withadults petting him, will let a year old baby pet him without aproblem. He finds babies fascinating and always wants tocheck them out. Many babies are scared to death ofCali. Gee, I wonder why??!!

I am just seeing this Stephanie and this isGREAT news. Congratulations to you and your hubby!! I'm glad themorning sickness has passed. By week 12-13 the sickness should becompletely over and youshould get loads of energy. Have yougot an obsession to clean everything yet? I cleaned everything and thenagain to make sure I hadn't missed a spot. It was mainly the kitchenand the bathroom. They had to be spotless. Any cravings? When is yourscan? Will you be finding out what sex the baby is or would you like asuprise? I'm so excited for you. I loved being pregnant. I hope allgoes well for you!! :D

That's good to hear. I'm actually worried abouthow the rabbits will react to an infant and everything else. In theend, I'm sure it will all work out. Usually does, right?

As far as names, we've tossed a few around. We both like Logan for aboy, although all our friends and my bros are all "That's Wolverine'sname!" (From X-Men). lol I like the name Elizabeth, but Dave reallydoesn't for some reason. We've thought of Olivia too, but I'm just notsure. We have plenty of time to decide.
Congrads, this is the most special time, but itcan be hard and emotional. For me it was either very happy moments orvery sad, I guess its the hormones responsible for mood changes. Butits all worth it.

By the way, epidural is a great thing and if you are planning to getit, get it early, don't wait until the contractions are too strong.
Vickie: I'm already an anal clean freak, butbeing pregnant has made it even worse. The other day I was using an SOSpad on the stovetop if that tells you anything, not to mention cleaningoff the top of the fridge,under the microwave....you get the picture.

I have an appt. next Wednesday and I'm hoping to hear the baby'sheartbeat. :D Not sure when my first scan will be, hopefully soonthough.

Anna: I've been very emotional. On Tuesday I think I spent half the daycrying. It's awful! And I do plan on an epidural. My tolerance for painis high, but not that high. To be honest, I'm not thinking that farahead yet because it gets a bit overwhelming.
Stephanie, i'm so glad the morning sickness is gone!

This is SO exciting! I LOVE babies, and hope to have a non fur baby real soon!

Logan is adorable! Keep us posted on EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!

Stephanie wrote:
Anna: I've been very emotional. On Tuesday I think I spenthalf the day crying. It's awful! And I do plan on an epidural. Mytolerance for pain is high, but not that high. To be honest, I'm notthinking that far ahead yet because it gets a bit overwhelming.

You are right, it is a little too far ahead to think about it.

But its just everybody are so afraid of labor, but I found it to be theeasier part, no pain with epidural, taking care of baby is a lot harder.
Stephanie wrote:
I've told Carolyn and Raspberry, but can't hold back fromthe rest of my "extended family" here any longer.

I'm pregnant! :D

We're due in the fall and this is our first. It happened more quicklythan we thought, but was still planned. Just didn't expect it to happenthe first try!

So far so good, I don't have very bad morning sickness,justsome queasiness.Sadly, the rabbit's scent, which I nevernoticed before, is really effecting me now. We pretty much have toclean the cage daily, because I just can't take strong smells at allright now. But don't worry, they're not going anywhere and we just needto keep up with their litter box. I swear, I'm like a bloodhound all ofa sudden.

I just had to share with everyone.
I'm glad for you.:DDo you know yet what your going to have a boy or a girl?
AnnaS wrote:
Stephanie wrote:
Anna: I'vebeen very emotional. On Tuesday I think I spent half the day crying.It's awful! And I do plan on an epidural. My tolerance for pain ishigh, but not that high. To be honest, I'm not thinking that far aheadyet because it gets a bit overwhelming.

You are right, it is a little too far ahead to think about it.

But its just everybody are so afraid of labor, but I found it to be theeasier part, no pain with epidural, taking care of baby is a lot harder.
I don't want to go into labour too much as I know it can be verydaunting and worrying for an expecting Mum. I chose the other approachand had no pain relief at all with Keira. It was so quick, by the timeI got in hospital it was too late she was out within the hour. I wasvery pleased actually that I got to experience all of it, pain too.With the other two I had pethidine. For now enjoy the rest of yourpregnancy, when the time comes you'll know if you need it.


PS - You know you will have to post us a picture of your scan when you get it done- I think they are amazing
As soon as I get a scan, I do plan on posting.And yes, we plan on finding out if the baby is a boy or a girl. Justeasier that way I think.

I have to hold back, the other day I was inthe store and nearly bought a stroller/car seat combo. :p
Stephanie wrote:
I have to hold back, the other day I was inthe store and nearly bought a stroller/car seat combo. :p
bless your heart. I bet you can hardly wait. I was like that with myfirst, there are so many great looking strollers around these days withcar seats, I just wanted to go out and buy one as soon as I found out.We have just boughta huge double buggy for my girls, its anightmare to get through doors.

Are you feeling ok this morning?

I'm feeling great today. Plan on doing some major housework and laundry. Boy, don't I know how to live it up? :p

My mom insists on buying us a crib, but obviously we're going to waiton that, especially as we plan on moving in Sept to a bigger place (I'mdue at the end of Nov.) Still, I've been holding back on buying babystuff but I don't think I can for much longer.
Glad you are feeling good. Housework and Laundry - it sounds like my day:D.

Moving a month before your due :shock:? That is going to be stressfulfor you. We was supposed to be moving just before I was due but it allfell through so we are stuck here for longer.

Get that Wednesday appointment out of the way first and then if youstill can't resist buying anything get a little neutral colouredsleepsuit, bib, hator something. It is so hard when there isso much lovely baby stuff around now to resist. I bought this beautifulblue all-in-one before I had Alyssa, I fell in love withit.Three girls later I'm still waiting for it to be worn :D.

I know what you mean about the move before Idue. I'm due Nov. 28, and we'd be moving the end of August/First partof Sept, so it shouldn't be too bad. I hope. Our place now is a twobedroom and isn't small, but we really need a third bedroom.

I'm from the States and all of my stuff is still in Vermont in storage,which we will be getting sometime late spring/early summer (I hope,waiting for my Visa to go through and I'm in the last stages of theprocess). This place is just too small for all of that. I am notbringing up much furniture, but am insisting on some things, such as myBoston rocking chair and my very nice "L" shape computer desk.Basically, we need a room for the baby, our room and a room for ourcomputer/guest room for out of town company.

Oh yeah, I hate the kitchen here too. :p
This need to buy baby stuff and get everythingready gets worse as the pregnancy progresses, at about 7 months Ireally wanted to pack everything for hospital and get car seatinstalled. When we had to go home from the hospital, we could notfigure out how the car seat works, the seat belt was stuck, we probablyshould have read the instructions in advance too.:)

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