O/ t Got some big news!

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Congratulations!!!! How exciting!!! :D

I've heard that sucking on a lemon can help with the nausea. I wasterribly sick my first pregnancy and it was only at the end of thepregnancy that I heard about that. My second pregnancy was completelydifferent so I still haven't tried the lemon thing first hand, but ifit helps someone out then that's all that matters!

Yea!!! I'm so excited for you!!

Oh Congratulations! I was so miserableduring my pregnancy (twins) because I was measuring full term at 3months along....

I wish you the best though - and may your pregnancy NOT be likemine! (But I do love my twins - they're almost 21 now!)

Oh Stephanie, What Incredible News. I amso thrilled for you. Words can't express how excited I am. I will bepraying that you and Baby are happy and healthy all through out. I amso happy for you.

I'm so gladyou finallytoldeveryone! Ihate secrets! ;)Smells really botheredme too. I think it will go away before long. Usually the sleepiness,the morning sickness,the sensitivity to odors and some of theother funny stuff gets much better after the first trimester.

Now we can talk about it all thetime!

Stephanie wrote:
So far so good, I don't have very bad morningsickness,just some queasiness.Sadly, the rabbit'sscent, which I never noticed before, is really effecting me now. Wepretty much have to clean the cage daily, because I just can't takestrong smells at all right now. But don't worry, they're not goinganywhere and we just need to keep up with their litter box. I swear,I'm like a bloodhound all of a sudden.
I had to laugh at this. I had a friend's ferrets come livewith me for her entire pregnancy. She told me she waspregnant before anyone (but her hubby and immediate family) because sheneeded me to take the ferrets. She couldn't stand thesmell. Everyone thought it would get better at the end of the1st trimester, but the poor girl was sick her entirepregnancy. (He Ob/Gyn had a name for it, but I decided itshould just be called: Something I don't want to happen tome. LOL) The ferrets were with me for almost ayear. I told her she gets to return the favor one day, but Iwould have to be really miserable to send them away.


Midori-Chan wrote:
I guess that's good news. Although I can't see why..


What's wrong with you? :X What is hard tounderstand why it's good news? Why did you bother to respondif that's your attitude?


Thinking about you, Stephanie.

Considering how excellent you are with your rabbits, your friends, andyour husband, God Knows, that this baby is blessed to have you ashis/her mom.

I'm so excited. I know you've been wanting this for a longtime. I couldn't be happier than I am for you.

Please give Dave my congratulations aswell.



you'll have to let us know when you start nesting and pulling hair!!"**

OMG!!! this busted me up inlaughter for 20 minutes I waslaughing so hard i had tears, took me totally off guard ,and thats not an easy process!!!!!!!!!!!!

gypsy wrote:

you'll have to let us know when you start nesting and pulling hair!!"**

OMG!!! this busted me up inlaughter for 20 minutes I waslaughing so hard i had tears, took me totally off guard ,and thats not an easy process!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's too funny Gypsy!

I know, Dave and I were busting a gut too.

Actually, my hair has never been better! I had to cut it really shortin October and it hasn't been growing the way I want. All of a suddenit's growing super fast, not to mention my fingernails, which werealways weak and breaking. I actually painted them and they look awesome!

Also, thanks for calling that person on what they said Carolyn, thathurt my feelings. It's good news to me, Midori, because I'm almost 30and have Endometriosis, which lead me to believe I'd either not getpregnant or have a hard time doing so.
That's wonderful, Stephanie!

Don't let anyone bring you down. This is your specialtime. I loved being pregnant. I felt like aprincess with all the special treatment. Enjoy!


I know Laura, you know those hormones though. Doesn't take much with me sometimes. I cried during the Simpsons one night!

Most of the time I love it, except when I feel nauseous. :p

Its the prenatalvitamins that makes your hairand nails grow so well. lol its nutri-cal for humans lol, wonderfull stuff for thenew baby also . good luckhon I am so happy foryou and your husbanc
Yeah, too bad it's those that are making me feel so ill. Oh well, it's for a good cause.

Plus, I'm really liking my hair finally. You all know how it is growing out hair....not fun at all.
I already replied, but I have to post again :D

YEA!!!! This is so exciting. You should start taking pictures of yourtummy as it grows. We did that with my last pregnancy and I reallydidn't get it at the time, but I just recently ran across those photo'sand it is so neat!

I also think it would be really cool to have a professional portraitdone of yourself while you're pregnant. During my first pregnancy Icouldn't imagine why I'd want to remember any of it but I had my son 4weeks early and I felt jipped. I was going to do it with my 2nd babybut things just slipped away from me and she came 2 weeks early.

Once I really start showing, I'm going to takepictures. My whole family lives in the US, so they're not here to sharewith me. Plus, I want to have it for me and my baby too.

Right now, I'm not really showing, but my pants no longer fitcomfortably around my tummy, so I'm starting to wear transition pants.Basically I don't look pregnant, just a bit on the heavy side. lol Idon't care, it's comfy!

And thank you everyone for your excitement. I didn't want to post whenI found out in March, just in case. It just feels good to have everyoneknow and more so, to have you all so excited and sharing stories withme. It's hard not having any family members or friends here with me,and nice to have all of you. :)


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