Well-Known Member
Cute! What kind are they? Golden Reds? Hannah
Nope, I don't think you are a nut for talking to thechickens. At least you know their language lol.I've heard that they have different sounds like one for hawks andanother for food. It is cool to be able to talk to them...............................my oh, my.......how i do soundlike anut, if i ever meet any of you in person i shalldemonstrait......at least i know what i'm talking about and that's allthat counts...right?LOL
They are an Illini Red (Rhode Island Red) and a Newhampshire??? I think it's a New Hampshire.....Cute! What kind are they? Golden Reds? Hannah
**Shrugs** lol, must be something in the water!Wow is right - they look great! I just love thatdeep red color they have. Okay Ellie, why is it that yoursnever seemed to go through that 'ugly' stage?Your chicksalways look so good.