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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Canton, Michigan, USA
So Ozzy got his injections this morning. He got his Reglan and the fluids under his skin, and I gave him his second dose of Reglan tonight. SHe gave me Metacam which I gave him right when I got home today. Like 12 hrs ago

He is eating hay and pellets and drinking some water. He is still obviously in pain so I gave him more Metacam so he will feel more up to drinking some more water and eating more. The Oxbow Critical Care was NOT a big hit. Actually it ended up all over both of us:?

Not much on the poop end, and his tummy is still pretty hard and swollen.

Anyone have any more advice to ensure he has an okay night? I really need to sleep a little...
I would pull his pellets temporarily just to let his tummy settle. I think just the hay and water would be good for the evening so that he can cleanse his stomach. That's just me though... :)
I kinow that I must sound like a broken record ;)

Nutri Cal, Nutri Cal, Nutri Cal . . .

Don't mess with the messy slurries :p

How's Ozzy doing today? Its good he's eating, how's the pooping?

Keep up with his normal amt of pellets, lots of hay and lots of water. Is he still alert and everything?

Hopefully he'll pass some of that today. The reglan should help with that.
I too agree with the nutrical. It gives them the calories and energy boost they need if they're not eating. And for me it usually gives Charlie enough energy to get up and move around which help with the gas and also he has enough energy to try to eat.

Charlie just went through another bad gas attack a few days ago, and the turning point is always a bit of critical care and a dosing of nutrical which I usually have to force into his mouth.


Oh my god I'm so scared he is still eating but not pooping his stomach is giant and hard. They are calling my vet at home and I'm desperately trying to find another vet nearby that does bunnies. I can't lose him he's my life:(

Still getting reglan and water syringed and metacam and i dont know what else to do he jumps waaaay tp bad when i try to rub his belly now
I have to go back to work. I am going to see if my vet can take him and have my sis bring him. that or he is going to emergency



Just wanted to share that I had a similar episode with Sprite a while back. Something upset her stomach and she got mild diarrhea which soon turned into a non-pooping Spritely with a large, hard belly. It took a lot of nursing for about two days. Simethicone was not helping at all, probably because it wasn't getting to the gas bubbles. What did help was lots and lots of tummy massages. My hubby is a master at them! Taking him for a car ride might also help get those gas bubbles out of there.

I hope he gets well soon!
Julia, I just got your message a little while ago. I tried calling back but the connection was awful I dont know if you got my message. We had a tornado touch down right near here, so I was in panic mode trying to get 7 bunnies into carriers and then cram them into the only interior room we have on the ground floor (which of course is the tiny downstairs bathroom).

I hope Ozzy is ok and you were able to get ahold of the vet. Midwest also uses Salem Vet on 6 mile road west of Napier 248-348-5075. Dr Ann Cavender.

Did you stop using Simethicone when Dr. Hynes said it was a blockage? I hope someone else will jump in if Im wrong, but I think its ok to still use it in case theres gas as well. Id give him a hefty dose if he's still at home. As far as I know it cant hurt and might help.

Im praying everything is ok. Call me if you need anything

I also copied down some emergency vets who are supposed to be good with rabbits. You can try calling them if you cant get ahold of Dr. Hynes at home:

Animal Emergency Center
24255 Novi Road
Novi, MI 48375
(248) 348-1788

Animal Emergency Center
265 E. 2[suP]nd[/suP] Street
Rochester, MI 48307
(248) 651-1788

Dr. Jill Pasternak
Veterinary Emergency Services
28223 John R. Road
Madison Heights, MI 48071
(248) 547-4677
Okay I took him to the vet. She came from home and met me up there. She did X-rays and said that the blockage may be clearing up actually, but he is so full of gas and there is still no signs of forming poops

She injected him with more reglan and fluids and told me to increase his dosage to every 4 hrs. I have to watch him very closely and if he gets any worse go to the emergency clinic she told me to and she'll email them his xrays. I wasn't still giving him the simethicone, and she told me too to continue with it. He just fights me so hard he hates that stuff. He likes all the other things he gets.

The clinic she referred me to is actually the top one on that list Haley

She did send him home with me, she considered keeping him but since he is still eating and drinking a little on his own she decided it was better for his stress to stay home with me.

Thanks for your thoughts guys, I was seriously hysterical
iluvmybuns wrote:
I wasn't still giving him the simethicone, and she told me too to continue with it. He just fights me so hard he hates that stuff. He likes all the other things he gets.

Would it be possible to mix it with some apple juice so that it tastes better to him? I'm not sure if that would mess it up or not...just a thought.

Get better little man! :hug:
I've been following as close as I can. (got a bun "not right" myself....Chippy again :? ).

The simethicone will provide more room for the blockage to pass (same as with myChippy). Make sure he gets full doses....even if you have to wear a lot of it!

If the tummy rubs aren't going well, try the rocking method. (I'll see if I can find the exact instructions)

Keep him moving, too. It'll help keep the gut moving.

Oh yeah....NutriCal, too!;)It will boost his system, and may help to pass any blockage (has some of the same properties as the Laxatone-type stuff.....Chippy's getting some in the morning).

Hmmm thats a good idea Katie if it doesn't just seperate.

Thanks Amy, we need it over here. I'm crazy with no sleep and a sick bunny and Pepsi is a wreck too, she takes after her momma.

We aren't out of the woods but I think we might be heading in a good direction

And I keep forgetting to go buy nutrical until I see this thread and the stores closed.

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