Not so False pregnancy

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She was on on Monday. I guess only time will tell as to what's happened. I hope it's nothing bad :( and we are just a memory slip.
She's from the UK, we don't have Thanksgiving over here, but yeh, I get your thinking :D
I keep thinking of the cartoons and stuff where all the little kids tie up the babysitter and make a complete mess of things while she sits there.
Hahaha. What interesting theories on my disappearance!

I'm sorry to keep you all in suspense - I've been having some personal issues over the last week or so which have taken up a lot of my time. As well as the all the bunnies (including the tiny ones!) I've been trying to help my mum make their house disabled-friendly for when my gran comes over at Christmas. She was hospitalised for a fairly long period at the beginning of the year (though thankfully she's out now and doing well!) but she has some mobility issues so I've been helping put in rails etc. to help her around. And some other stuff which I won't go into.

Anyway! All the little ones are fine (as well as everyone else). They're so big now! And their fur is super thick and soft. You can sorta tell them apart now too, some of them are getting longer ears than others, some are further apart etc.

Anyhow, since I know you're all awaiting your fix - and sorry to all you in the early stages of withdrawal :p - here's pictures!





You can see what I mean about the ears in this photo - though I could already tell these two apart since one has more of the tan colour..







Ears again. ;)



Hehe, I think this one looks like a little duckling in this pic...

Early stages??!! I was about to check in somewhere! :p

I'm just SO glad you're all ok.... I was worried something horrible had happened..... :)

These pictures make up for your abscence though..... SOOOO cute! Steve says, can we have one?:biggrin2: :p

delusional wrote:
Anyhow, since I know you're all awaiting your fix - and sorry to all you in the early stages of withdrawal :p - here's pictures!
I'm sorry about your gran, it sounds like you've been having a tiring time recently. I'm really glad you are ok though! Thanks for coming and letting us know :D.


I have nothing to say on them because I'm currently fading in and out of conciousness from adorableness....must...type....coommmmeeenntt.....

mouse_chalk wrote:
SOOOO cute! Steve says, can we have one?:biggrin2: :p

Lol. Of course, just get yourself over here in a few weeks. :p

But seriously if there's anyone on here who would actually take one, I'd love to be able to get updates as my babies grow up, and I just don't think we can keep them all.
I'm sorry you are having personal stuff going on, but am glad your bunny crew is doing ok. They are fabulously gorgeous and the last one looks very much like my Hope when he was a teeny tiny kit :D
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!!!!!!! My babies! Little duckling is adorable!

I'm glad you're ok! and everyone else is! It's good to see you back!

This one looks like it's going to be very nosey!


They are soooooo beautiful. Any names yet? I lost track of how many there are?
EEK! Baby bunny loaf! Fresh from the oven! :rofl:

Thank you for posting more pics despite your personal issues :( I'm sorry that they came up before the holiday season (just seems to stress everyone out more). These pictures stopped me from jittering and having cold withdrawal sweats! :D