Not so False pregnancy

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I like this one, I disaprove. LOL. She looks like she's doing a wonder job.



She looks like she's doing a great job! I love love LOVE the baby footsie sticking out from underneath her!! She's so pretty too, you must be so proud of her! I'm so glad they're happy and healthy :)

You didn't use flash on those pics right? What settings did you use? I can never get that great pics in low light of the buns cos they never stay still enough lol! :p
mouse_chalk wrote:

She looks like she's doing a great job! I love love LOVE the baby footsie sticking out from underneath her!! She's so pretty too, you must be so proud of her! I'm so glad they're happy and healthy :)

You didn't use flash on those pics right? What settings did you use? I can never get that great pics in low light of the buns cos they never stay still enough lol! :p

I am really proud of her. For not freaking out (like I did!) about the whole thing, and for being so great at everything. She's taking such good care of them! And I can't believe those six little bunnies came from her!

As for the photos, and I'd have had more luck if I'd gone with a lighter coloured blanket... I've started using my camera on Shutter Priority since it's less to think about and I end up with more useable pictures because I don't have to play with the settings so much. Just easier for moving subjects and changing light.

So.. What I ended up with for those shots was a fairly low aperture (f/3.8), and a shutter speed fast enough that most of the pictures didn't blur (1/160). I also set the ISO quite high (800). I set my white balance to incandescent to compensate for the indoor lighting. I did use Photoshop as well to adjust the levels a little.
Those are lovely pictures. Bah, what a bland comment, but its the best I have right now, lol.
yay, mommy has made an appearance :)
She looks like she's handling it all right... despite the obvious stress she must be under. What a gorgeous little family.
Do you think you'll keep any of the babies?
It's getting harder and harder to put these guys back in the cage again! I don't want to put them down! They're like real bunnies now, just in miniature! They've started trying to chew everything, obviously they're cleaning themselves, hopping around, and... get this...


They're so mini that they were really hard to catch - in fact I thought I'd missed them all and didn't even realise I had caught this one until I put the pictures on the computer! So mini one foot stays on the floor. :p

And now for some cute.

Little rusty neck. :hearts:










[/align][align=center]Are their ears so far apart because they're little, or will they maybe helicopter/lop later?
Yeah I'm sure we'll keep a couple, at the very least. I couldn't possibly let them all go. ;)

And no! I can't get the stupid video up! Neither stupid Youtube or stupid Photobucket will let it upload! :X

I was LITERALLY mid sentence when that baby binky picture loaded and Steve heard 'so are you definately sure you can go to Ro's birthday next weekend because EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' lol :p

That is just the cutest thing EVER!!!
Those photos literally stopped me from having a Thanksgiving meltdown. I just got done turning off the fire alarm and was about to throw the pumpkin pie crust across the kitchen when I saw these. They stopped my pastry-lobbing rampage.

Thank you :)
Teensy binkers, soooo cuuute! Hubby was rolling his eyes at me for squealing, LOL. I told him, Hey, I can love 'em online all I want, so long as I'm not breeding them in the barn! Those pics do make me miss having babies, but not enough to go out and make more, LOL.

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