Well-Known Member
This isn't an emergency, but I wanted to see ifanyone else has or had this problem. Every night when I go to get Drizready for bed, I give him a box of hay, and some greens (and somecarrot pieces). He's had mustard greens before and loved them. Now, forthe last week when I go to get him in the morning, the greens are stillin his bowl all dried up. He hasn't touched them. And he goes for thepellets in the morning like he hasn't eaten in days! But, the hay andcarrots are gone. Do you think there's something wrong w/ the greens ordo you think his tastes changed? He doesn't seem to have gas...he'spretty active (although he's always pretty lazy during the day anyway)and his teeth aren't chattering. I don't know it's justweirdbecause he usually loves his fresh veggies.I might try to getsome parsley and see if he does the same thing. Thanks everyone!