Yep, you may not want to put it all in at once. Put some in, let him swallow a bit, and then push some more in. Put the tip of the syringe behind his front teeth.
if u stick the tip in his mouth ..ur gonna feel his teeth..just keep the tip on the teeth and slide it to the side of his mouth,.there is a gap in his teeth even when there mouths are shut..just slide it to the side and ull feel the gap...thats ur entry ..have fun and wear a bib....
i just buy the cherry xlax tabs and break them in fours ..the buns luv em..i dont have to fight em ...Flashie gets gassie sometimes and pushes his tummy on the floor.,.but as soon as he hears me open up the box he is all over me...crunch crunch crunch..
Okay I got the first 5mL of the rehydration drink into him.
I feed him a small chunk of pineapple and some pumpkin+squash mix.
I hope he goes back to normal soon.
I just got the Ovol Gas drops and I know you said to give 1mL each hour for 3 hours, but the package says not to give more than 1.5mL to a child in 24 hours.. So is it safe to give 3ml to the rabbit?
Lisa is right. It's common for us to give 1ml/hr for 3 hrs, then 1ml every 3hrs after that. The only side effect of overdose is diarrhea, which is really rare, and to be honest in a bunny with gas getting it moving along is better. Sorry I didn't respond last night. How is he doing?