Not eating hay

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
, Ohio, USA
Cocoa does not seem to be eatingmuch of his hay lately. I bought the hay from Petco about amonth and a half ago. When I bought it, it didn't seem veryfresh but there wasn't much of a selection. The hay seemspretty dusty too. Could Cocoa be avoiding it because the hayis too old?? Maybe I should just throw it out and buy somemore. I have also noticed him eating some of his Carefreshbedding. He is still eating his pellets and treatsthough.
Yes, bunnies are picky little creatures! If the hay isn't fresh, I would try to find some fresh stuff.

Are you able to get some farm hay anywhere? Or perhaps some from a feed store?

Im not able to buy fresh hay (go figure, inMichigan) so I am stuck with buying store-bought. I always check thebag when Im buying to be sure its nice and green. Lately, even theOxbow in one of the local pet stores is brown and gross. Bunnies are sopicky sometimes. Get the greenest you can find and shake it out firstif it looks dusty (which it usually is).

If you can though, fresh baled hay is the best (and the cheapest). Inmy area, its impossible to find just Timothy Hay, unfortunately all thepeople Ive spoken to mix a lof of Alfalfa in there as well. Its worthchecking into though!
I don't buy the bagged hay (I am lucky though, Iknow alot of farmers!) When I was at my grandparents for vacation, Ihad to buy wiley bagged hay, needless to say his majesty didn't touchit. LOL.

I know this is a long shot, but have you tried the internet? I knowthere is some place that will sell fresh hay online, or even be able topinpoint you in the right direction. You could also check outindependant animal supply stores, usually they are fresher thencommercial chains.
Hi! Kim :wave:

Here's a link that has hayresorces all over theCountry and most will sell over the internet or point you in the rightdirection. :happydanceHay

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"
Thanks for the link, Mike! I've added it to the hay thread in Bunny 101.

Kim, here's two more online sites that can help you find hay:

You can also order in bulk from companies like Oxbow, American PetDiner, Bunny Bales, etc. It's more expensive than farmer haybut much, much cheaper and tastier than those little bags.All the extra handling makes bagged hay more dusty, plus who know howlong they sit on those shelves.

My buns never really cared for the little bags of hay. Once Istarted buying Oxbow 20-50 lbs at a time, and then farmer hay, theystarted eating a ton more hay!
Hey everyone, thanks for the advice and links!!

I went on Hay Barn and Hay Exchange, but most of the places that havehay are over an hour away! (I live close to Cleveland so Idon't think there is anything around here) I think I will tryBunny Bales. That seems like a good bet.

Amy, thanks for offering to bring the bale over, but I think I wouldrather stick with timothy hay for Cocoa. Plus I don't knowwhere I would put a whole bale since I live in an apartment!haha


If you Take up Amy's offer you could keep an entire bale in2large garbage bags under your bed,in a coat closetor just in the corner! Just a thought!:ponder:

The alfalfa/ mix grass hayis just fine for Bunniesand your Bunny just mightLove it.:dunno:

I feed only Coastal Hay because it's what I fed My horses and everybreeder here that I've met does the Same and Mongo Loves It.:biggrin:

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

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