I have had my oldest bunny about 4 years now and we still have not bonded. I understand bunnies are not cuddly and don’t like to be held and such but she won’t even come out of her enclosure if I’m in sight. I love her to pieces but she makes my life that much harder. I cannot get near her without her thumping and running away. I cannot pet her without her panicking. I don’t know what has caused this, but it is very very discouraging when you have spent the last 4 years trying to bond with a animal you have spent hundreds of dollars on to just be scared of you. And to make matters worse she is a lion head, which means she needs lots of brushing, but I cannot even get near her without her bolting away, and I don’t want to stress her by forcing her to sit still. She has extreme matting on her behind where the fluff is and in her mane. I am most likely going to schedule a vet appointment or find a groomer to help get rid of the mats. ( I also cannot clip her nails ) I’ve tried everything from laying on the floor for hours while she’s out and even locking her in a room with me. I’m starting to think this is a lost cause ( 4 years is a very long time to have a bunny that is not bonded to you.