no babies

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luna21 wrote:
Justgot back from the vet's, :(she' s not preggos, it was aphantom!!!! she's just really overweightnow!!!

Believe me, it's a blessing in disguise!

I'm sorry you're disappointed, but as the other post said about AnimalShelters, they're too full with rabbits and with Easter coming, therewill be a lot of rabbits that will eventually end up in the wrong handsor end up as throw-aways when the novelty of them has wornoff. I know you were going to give the babies to apetstore.

Again, I'm sorry your bummed out, but in the end, I really think it's for the best.

Aw... I'msorry.

She sure gave you a run for your money didn't she.

She's probably moody because she knows that she gonna have to go on a diet now!

Thanks Carolyn!! Im getting my gurl spayed nextweek, so she doesn't ever have to go through this!!! and i certainly donot want to contribute to the pet overpopulation, i want to help anyway I can !!!!!
I agree, if its not professional breeding, its better that she is not pregnant. I feel bad for unwanted bunnies.
I'm just sorry your hurting, luna21.

On the positive side, I'm glad she's getting spayed and she's going to be okay.

She'll most likely mellowout a bit and be less grumpy andterritorial. Keep us posted on when she goes in to get fixed.


Oh, Luna, I'm sorry she's not gonna have any kits. I'm sorry she has to diet also :( Poor baby!

I'm happy you've decided to get her spayed tho. It's a veryimportant thing that we must do for our pet rabbits. As muchas we love those little bunny babies, we need to remember the possibleconsequences.

I think, we need to just pack up, and go visit pam when she has a bunch of babies for us to cuddle! :D
That's so sad that you wont have any little babybuns running around, but like everyone knows there is quite anoverabundance of unwanted bunnies....(I'd want each and every one if Icould take them, though.) I cant believe that she was just overweightand not pregnant.... She must be really upset that everyone wasthinking she was hugely "with child(ren)" and here she had just put onsome weight.... she's probably feeling insulted..... lol...
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
That's so sad that you wont have any little baby buns runningaround, but like everyone knows there is quite an overabundance ofunwanted bunnies....(I'd want each and every one if I could take them,though.) I cant believe that she was just overweight and notpregnant.... She must be really upset that everyone was thinking shewas hugely "with child(ren)" and here she had just put on someweight.... she's probably feeling insulted..... lol...

That explains the bad mood, poor bunny.:D
luna21 wrote:
Justgot back from the vet's, :(she' s not preggos, it was aphantom!!!! she's just really overweightnow!!!
Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear about that. :(

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