Well-Known Member
K thanks

Hold. Just remember to wash your hands thoroughly after handling him ofany items in his cage. If you are really worried get a handwash with anti bacterial . I think you will find that itsnothing to worry about. I would call your vet asap, don't worry aboutpestering them there there for you!! Ask your vet to do aring worm test, just to be on the safe side. hope he gets better soonTo hold or not to hold....that is the questionIwant to hold my baby but I also don't want to get tapeworm :shock: whatshould I do....??? I would feel HORRIBLE if he has to sit in his boringol' cage for a week or two...:?
NOT that its funny but this is one of the reasons i have abottle of hand sanitizer on every cage and a spray bottle of Listerieneto spray down feet that come into my garage where my rabbits are , witha herd like mine i always err on the side of caution .
Thanks every one for your replies!!! I really do appreciate it!
If it isnt ringworm....and it isnt tapeworm....then how could he havegotten this big cut? The thing I hate most about it is the fact that Idont know what is causing it or how it happend...