Nighttime Behavior

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2015
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It seems a lot of people have rabbits that are super active at night. Am I the only person who has rabbits that go to bed at the same time I do?

I give dinner around 8pm, pellets & treats around 10pm, then turn off all the lights and get ready for bed during the next hour or so. The rabbits may play around a bit until maybe 11pm, but then they go to a different room, and groom/snuggle all night without ever making a sound.

They're usually waiting patiently for me back in their room around 6am for breakfast.

Is this not typical behavior for house rabbits?
Most rabbits are crepuscular- meaning they are most active from 7pm-12am and from 4am-9am. Mid-day and mid-night are when the sleep the most.

However, house rabbits (house pets in general) tend to adjust to our schedules. Since I put my rabbits to bed around 10 pm, they stop being active earlier than most- but I let them out at 4am when I get up, so they are active quite early compared to most house rabbits.
I do! I like to run before it gets stupidly warm before work! 4am is nice and cool still (and the town is still empty- so that's a bonus). :) (Basically I'm crazy and take early to bed and early to rise quite literally- I'm in bed by 10 most nights. :bed: )

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