Night of the Lepus

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The bunnies behaved and we all survived unscathed. Whew!!

It was soooooo much fun!

Maybe we'll do a broadcast tomorrow when we carve the rest of the jack-o's.
I think we're watching Wallace and Grommit "The Curse of the WereRabbit"
Sorry we didn't check in during the film... There were a few brown-outs that caused Naturestee's computer to have the blue-screen-of-death, as she puts it. ;)

We had fun watching the movie for the first time. I'm glad I took the drive to watch it with some-bun else. Really made for better screams and laughs. Those were some mighty ferocious rabbits!!! Naturestee wanted to find them all and hug them up, mean and dripping with blood as they were!!!:p

The movie was so scary that, "Your hare will stand on end!" :shock:;)



:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

Who's up towatching it this year???

Somehow I missed doing this last year.

I've got to go out tomorrow and pick up a few pumpkins to carve.
Not sure if I'll be doing a"view & carve" event again this year. My portable DVD player is on the fritz.

It's snowing right now....been snowing ALL day.
Feels more like Xmas than Halloween.

Those ofyou thathave a copy, be sure to join us on Monday, October 31th at 9:00 P.M. EST.

Make sure your buns are safely secured in their cages!!!!
And don't forget to dress-up/disguise yourselves as bunnies..... so they think you one of them!!

. :run: :runningrabbit:

Right now I'm watching the live broadcast of Ghost Hunters at Pennhurst State School and Hospital.

I may serve the buns dinner a little late and try to distract them from watching "Night of the Lepus".

My wife borrowed mybunny ears disguise, so I'm running an extra risk this year.

The buns are playing "Thump or Treat"!!

I guess I'll just have to feed them and hope they take a nap afterwards.

Wish me luck!!

Oh gosh... this is the first time I'm watching it alone... :nerves1 I'm not sure I'll be able to watch all of the way through the movie. I might have to watch it in parts... I hope I don't have any bad dreams of heavy-breathing bunnies the size of wolves!!! :panic:
I just started the movie.

I don't think the buns are aware yet.

Janet....the wolf sized ones would be the smaller ones.
It's the garbage truck sized ones ya gotta watch for!!!


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