Night of the Lepus

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JimD wrote:
Buck Jones wrote:
That be the one! If you have a copy, be sure to join us onOctober 30th at 9:00 P.M. EST.Rest of the country views at the same time, compensating for the different time zones, enabling all of us tomake supporting phone calls during the most scary and scintillating scenes.


Tomorrow night folks!!!

This tradition was started before we had Chat capabilities and we had to rely on phones.

And remember, we're supposed to confuse our bunnies....we dress them up like humans, and we disguise ourselves as bunnies!!!
My husband got that for me last Christmas. I'm pretty sure he picked it up at Best Buy. I just looked on their website, and they have a store-locater for it, so you could put in your zip code and see if your local stores have it in stock.
My copy of the movie arrived just in time today!!!! I like ordering from Amazon because there are enough things that are ten to fifteen dollars to get the free shipping when combined for a twenty-five dollar order. So I was also able to order "A House Rabbit Primer" by Lucile Moore. I had seen this on another thread and put it on my wish list for a future purchase. So now I have the movie and a new bunny-book to read this weekend!!

So you all around 9:00 tomorrow night!!!! :shock::D

Sooooo.....did anyone watch last night?:?

Or did EVERYONE watch, and now are afraid to come out of hiding?:shock:

I had a few problems last night and wasn't able to watch it, but plan on doing so tonight (between giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters:p)

JimD wrote:

The giant bunnies must have gotten all of th RO members!!!!

I didn't watch. I thought about it...but it would've been too painful right now and reminded me too much of Tiny everytime I saw a black rabbit.

Besides - I didn't want Zeus to get any bright ideas..
I knew it was last night that we were all watching it, but for some unknownreason I convinced myself thatthe viewing was on the 31st and not the 30th. :dunnoI swear the older I get....

I was going to watch it tonight, but I am not feeling the best and decided to go to bed with my laptop and catch up on some RO happenings before going to sleep. Now I don't know if I should just save the movie until next year, or get some popcorn and watch it this weekend.


I just don't want to be scared all by myself.... :wiggle

Oh noes....I didn't watch it either! :baghead

Ah well, doesn't mean we all still can't watch it (hows that for bad sentence structure :p)

And Halloween was a bust here...I had (at the very most) 10 children show up. Where was everybody???

P.S. Anyone want a bag of chips? I can fax it to you...

What...?!!!!:shock:No one is making plans for the big event as of yet?!!!! Time is running short on getting the word out for the date/time. Where's Jim D? Isn't he the official organizer of the movie event of the year? :dunno

Oooo... can't wait this year, since I missed it last year. Gonna be soooo scary...:shock::nerves1

Wait, what? Is this a scary movie? I don't like scary movies one bit... but what is this about bunnies loving it? :?
I need to dig out my copy - and make sure all the flemmies are locked up where they can't see it or hear it....lest they get ideas!
kirbyultra wrote:
Wait, what? Is this a scary movie? I don't like scary movies one bit... but what is this about bunnies loving it? :?
Its a very very VERY cheesy movie about bunnies getting a serum that makes them HUGE and taking over a town and stuff....

I forget when the movie was made - but it is pretty laughable....