Oh my...how adorable. I just wanna SQUEEZE Mr. Tumnus!! He's just too adorable for words...
As for our NIC cages (or should I say palaces...hehe), we got our NICpanels from Target (and they seem to always be on sale when we shop forthem). We just expanded on Flower's cage a couple months ago,and when we originally built each of their cages, they were differenttimes of this year as well, and I've never had a problem finding themthere. I think that sort of thing depends on your area.
The best idea, like Haley mentioned, is to make sure you haveeverything and a helper (to hold things in place while you attachthem), and things will run smoothly.
I attached our babe's panels with zip ties (we bought a 1,000 bagfull), which we found to be easier than the round connectors that comewith the panels, and we used pegboard (cut to fit for free at HomeDepot, or any other hardware store). The good thing about thepegboard is that if your bun samples it, it won't harm him...that andthe holes and putting it rough-side-up makes for a much less slipperyfloor. Not to mention that pegboard is quiteinexpensive...which I always like!
A good way to make sure that you have everything is to plan outeverything (I even did some drawings to make sure we had enough panels,and had a floorplan of how the cage should look), possibly even make alist of what needs to be purchased, etc. Thankfully, I have ahusband that's quite handy at planning and setting up things likethat.
Anyway, let us know know it goes, okay? Be sure to provide pictures, too!
P.S. Also feel absolutely free to ask questions aboutdifferent ways to do things. We're here to help you build theperfect bunny condo for you and your buns!