i have an outside NIC cage too and it works out just great! Yomo143's and my cage are just fine outside. Plus mine has half a top or an empty 2 squares so i can sit down in there. But, at night i cover it. Also, both our rabbits aren't very big, mine is a dwarf and yomo143's is a baby. They can't knock it down! Also, we live in huntington beach,
not in the woods or anything where a bear is going to come and take it apart!

<<<<<<<I have no problem with having a NIC cage outside if that is what you choose so long as it is secure and everything,but my problem is with the repeated mention that because of where you live there is nothing that is going to get your buns. Maybe where you live a bear isnt going to get your bun, or any other animal for that matter, but other things like opposum, raccoons, and rats are things that live everywhere. People here arent saying that a bear is going to stroll up and get you but there are other wild animals that are EVERYWHERE that could be a problem. I lived in a city enviroment, row homes, and not many trees and there were still raccoons and opposums, i live in the country now and i have to watch for fox and bear and coyote so it is different but no matter where you live you are not free of wildlife.