Hmmm, Tink is definitely more timid than the last doe. I let her out last night for super-special-awesome-fun-time, but she whimpered a few times and kept thumping. I brought out a few boxes for her to hide in, but to no avail. She was scared being out in the living room and kept trying to jump up towards her cage. After about fifteen minutes, I put her back.
As for the meetings, I do think it's best to put everything on hold for now. I was trying to figure out a good course of action, and I'd like to find some see-through barriers before any more attempts. I want them to be able to see each other, but not get too close to each other, for any future dates. Also, her fear last night being out of her cage is a clear sign she's not feeling comfortable in her new environment yet.
The "fight" was simply lowered heads and running towards each other (chasing, but the other wouldn't run away, so they were going for each other). It only happened twice near the end, and I think it'd help to have an actual barrier rather than a referee. My parents have a lot of chicken wire, so I'll try to fashion something out of it. I need two barriers because I want a space in between, so there aren't any slap fights through the wires.
The idea being that if they can see each other in a safe environment, being offered their favorite foods, they might have a better association than if they meet each other for the first time face to face.