Because those people want to sell you something. We are not. We are trying to give you advice based on long time experience keeping rabbits correctly.
Not to mention it is stated those are cages for "show, meat and fur" rabbits, which for some reason people think are OK crammed into tiny cages for their short loves before being sold on our slaughtered

A Rabbit has a natural lifespan of 10-12 years. How would you like to be crammed into a tiny cupboard for your whole life?
RSPCA states that the MINIMUM for a rabbit is 3m x 2m x 1m (around 10ft x 6ft x 3m), and that's for a standard size rabbit, not a large rabbit like a New Zealand.
There's no law against these horrible companies selling tiny cages with no thought to the welfare of its inhabitant, sadly.
Rabbits in the wild would have a natural territory of around 200m.
It's just like with people. Yes we can buy cigarettes. Are they good for us? Absolutely not.
Yes these cages are available for sale. Are they good for rabbits? Absolutely not.
As pet owners we should be aiming to provide the absolute best for our pets - not something massively below the minimum welfare wise.
Shame on that company for selling these tiny cages