New-Update on Jack (RIP sweet Jack)

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Thanks guys,

Jack is still with me,but he cannot walk at all now..he can only pull himself along:(..he stopped eating his pellets on monday but just wanted to eat hay...Tuesday was more or less the same...he did eat some apple as well...but that is all he would touch,and he just didn't seem he actuallyatea fewpellets.

You know...Jack is the mostsweetest little man has been giving me lots of kisses...he has never been much of a licker in his times,but has licked me....but recently he has been doing it a lot!....i lay on the floor with him and he will just lick my face....i'm gonna miss him so much!

But yeah,i think the time has come now.

I'm doing the right thing... aren't i?
I'm sorry your going thru this. If Jack isn't eating, and he's just getting worse as the days go on. I think your doing the right thing. :hug:I'll be praying for you.

PS) i think it's cute how he is licking you. I think he's saying I love you. :)
I have been watching Jack's thread for a while now and IMHO you are definitely doing the right thing. He is a very loved and cared for bunny and the last thing you want his for him to suffer.
You are in my thoughts and prayers :pray:and just think, at the rainbow bridge Jack will be hopping with no issues!!
Yes, you're doing the right thing. I know he loves you dearly and wants you to do what's right for him. I'm glad he's showing you how much he loves you with all that licking. You will know when he's suffering unnecessarily and then it will be time to say goodbye. :pray:
Cheryl... I'm so sorry things have gotten so much worse so quickly. I just wish there were more that could be done for your sweet boy. You are both in my thoughts and prayers :hug:and :hug:
SweetSassy wrote:
I'm sorry your going thru this. If Jack isn't eating, and he's just getting worse as the days go on. I think your doing the right thing. :hug:I'll be praying for you.

PS) i think it's cute how he is licking you. I think he's saying I love you. :)
I agree with April.
I think Jack is getting ready to go by showing you his love.

:pray: for you and Jack. :hug:
Sorry guy's that i didn't update sooner.

Well Jack is still here...when i wrote before that Jack wasn't well...i was all prepared to take him to the vet on thursday to do the kindest thing for him..i had let the vet know the day before.but thursday morning i woke up to a completely differen't bunny...he was more bright eyed and he was cleaning himself the best he could...i just could not believe i called the vet and told them about Jack..and i just delayed things....I still don't know if i'm doing the right thing or not?

He's back to eating his pellet's,he's eating more than he did a few day's ago,he even clean's himself....but is this fair for him?should ijust over look the thing's he can still do..and just do what's best for Jack.

I have been reading up on a lot of disabled bunny sites....but i still feel that it's not right know what i mean?

Some very serious advice is much welcome

You know Jack is going to have good and bad days. I think Jack still wants to be here. He's showing you the 3 A's. He's Alert, he has an Appetite, and his Attitude.

Only you know what's best.

If you have an question you can PM me.

{{CHERYL+ Jack}}

Hi There Cheryl,

Sorry, I've not been reading the group regularly, another member (Rebecca) alerted me to your post to see if I could help.

I'm sorry about Jack's problem; I did go through the very same thing with my Cocoa, though not until a bit later in his life. Five does seem rather young to me, but rabbit's style have somewhat mysterious physiologies. *sigh*

Anyway, my first advice is for you to join the disabled rabbit's group on yahoo.

I'm not trying to scare you or anything, but all the questions you're asking here, and this is a great group, but most of the people there have already gone through it with their buns and they have lots of experience with these issues.

Someone else posted about spondylosis and bone spurs in the spine, those are likely causes. Sometimes bunnies injure themselves and that starts these conditions in motion; sometimes it's just genetics.

There are other meds you can try with your bun that have helped others: Adequan comes to mind. I don't have personal experience of it myself. Acupuncture has been helpful to many other bunnies.

I found with Cocoa that encouraging regular, gentle exercise helped keep him mobile for as long as possible. you want to try to keep his muscles strong for as long as possible. The muscles usually grow weak, because the nerves to them are being pinched off in the spine. It usually is a progressive problem, so you need to be ready in your mind to help him stay mobile for as long as possible.

I added ramps in the house, cut the side of his litter box, eventually he had a ramp to his box.

The most radical solution people have done on younger bunnies is that eventually the leg gets in the way of them walking, so they have been amputated. Now this sounds harsh, but if the issue is only affecting one leg and the disease doesn't progress further, it helps keep the bun mobile for much longer.

Those are just a few thoughts...please join up at the dr group and explain where you're at now. They will be very supportive.

When my Cocoa was at Jack's stage or a bit worse, I made a panty hose sling to go around his thigh to hold his leg up so he could walk around freely. It worked really well unless he wanted to go under He loved his outdoor walks.

The metacam will help to slow the progression of the disease.

Ok, bye for now dear...take care.

God Bless, Arlette
Thanks heaps Rebecca,for getting into contact with Arlette for me...that is much appreciated.

Yep i did join the disabled rabbits group yesterday and yes they are wonderful people.

Jack is not able to get in his litter box anymore,so i'm making sure that his blanket is alway's dry.

He's also much better than he wasa few day's ago...he wants to lick me all the time,something he has suddenly been doing....he's so sweet!

I have some pictures that i will post after of Jack,I had been taking lot's of picture's,and i look at those picture's and i still see my little Jack,it's just his leg's.
These pictures are from thursday



cheryl wrote:
Thanks heaps Rebecca,for getting into contact with Arlette for me...that is much appreciated.
I did it because I care. Julie also has been alerted.

I know what your going through. You'll do what's best for him. He's such a cutie. Wish I was closer so I can come give the two of you a hug.

{{Cherl + Jack}}

:hug: Thinking of the 2 of you.

Virtual hugs being sent here too. He will have good and bad days, so it will not be easy to determine what is the worst he can stand. I think when it's right you'll know. Good healing thoughts--Julie (TreasuredFriend) uses cosequin and adequan for her limited mobility bunnies with spinal issues (not spondolysis, but similar), and it helps. If the metacam isn't enough pain relief, you can add tramadol or buprenorphine to the mix. Buprenorphine is a bit of a consciousness-altering drug for many bunnies, so tramadol is probably a better choice.

Jack is adorable!!

It sounds like the metacam is helping. It takes a few days to build up in their system. I'm sure there was some discomfort that he wasn't showing.

Some pain signs are: not wanting to move around as much, tensing their body, tremors in their limbs, rapid respiration, frustration, accidental nipping, excessive licking or chewing.

Another tip, when giving metacam, try to give a bit of food first to make it a bit easier on the tum. There is some evidence that it irritated the stomach in some rabbits. I would always give some glucosamine in a bit of water first, a bit of baby carrot, then the metacam.

Hugs and God bless you and your dear buns, Arlette:bunnydance:
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:

You know Jack is going to have good and bad days. I think Jack still wants to be here. He's showing you the 3 A's. He's Alert, he has an Appetite, and his Attitude.

Only you know what's best.

If you have an question you can PM me.

{{CHERYL+ Jack}}

Yeah that !! ^*^