Oh yes my mistake I thought 1/2018 is expiration date but now see both dates, sorry. It is a bit strange to me that this food contains cheese and corn, but I am no expert to be honest, there's 15-20 gram stated on package as day portion for a young rabbit. I wouldn't recommend this type of food as a regular food, honestly. There was a chart posted on this forum just a few days ago comparing most popular rabbit foods by name and there you can see all ingredients and what is good is marked green just check this list and see if any of those are available in your country, or consult with your local rabbit owners I am pretty sure you can find them on social media or asking in your local pet store. Maybe you can buy online it might be cheaper.Oh btw i don't think the date is expired on the pelletes.
It says 2020/1. I'm not sure.
She likes them now. Eats them a lot more than before. I think a little won't be bad as long as she poops safely.
She still doesn't drink water. I give the water with the vegetables that contain a lot of water. View attachment 40069 View attachment 40069 View attachment 40069 View attachment 40069 View attachment 40070
Bear in mind that your bun is still very young 6-7 weeks and only needs a very little portion of it, for an adult rabbit it is suggested 50 grams for a rabbit weighting 2kg so do the maths.
There are a few reputable rabbit food brands and they usually have special food for juniors/dwarfs, if she will get 15-20 grams per day then 2kg bag will last for nearly two months for you.
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