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Mar 14, 2005
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Hello,I'm new here and we just got a bunny 2 daysago,any tips would be greatly appreciated,I also was wondering why shethumps her foot sometimes? Also,is one bunny going to be ok alonewithout another bunny? I also have 2 dogs that want to play withher,will they all get along,or scare her?THANKS!!!:D:D:D
Welcome Carman and Congratulations on your new Bunny.

There is an awesome post called A Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Careat the top of the forum. It has some awesome information and I think itwill answer most of your questions.

As to letting the bunny play with the two dogs I would say no.Not just because they may scare her, I would be more worried about thedogs harming or killing her.

She is new to your home and will need time to adjust. I look forward to getting to know you and your bunn.

Hi carman and welcome to the forum,

What kind of bunny did you get, and how did you get her? Doesshe thump her feet alot? We only have one bunny and she seemsto be happy with herself, but we spend alot of time with her.The only time she thumps her foot, is when she knows she's going to getsome treats, and she can't wait for it. lol.

Rainbows! :)

hello,she looks like your bunny but white and i'mtrying to learn all this stuff about her lol,we got her from somepeople that raises them,we let her run around the house then put her inthe cage and on and on,i was wondering how much cabbage and apples andcarrots to give her a day?just keep feeding her? she has only thumpedher foot 3 times and i put the dogs out while she runs around
Pebbles is a Netherland Dwarf, 8 months old:

We keep her in a cage too, but she gets lots of time for freerun. Don't feed your bunny too much of the foods youmentioned. Her main diet should be hay, somepellets,and water. Make sure you read up on theCheat Sheet for Rabbit Care that is posted on the forum. Howold is your bunny? Does she have a name yet?

Rainbows! :)

oh ok thanks alot her name is hoppity,{my 7 yearold named her}she looks about the same size,today she made a noise likehmmmph.anybody know what that means?she did do the happy bunny dancewhich i read is a good thing,i must be doing something right lol
carman wrote:
today she made a noise like hmmmph.

It means:

I love you.

I hate you.

Do you have food?

Why aren't you petting me?

Why are you petting me?

And so on and so forth.:p

Welcome to the forum. I think everyone has covered the thumping.

As for dogs, I have a lab/rottie mix who is just really good with allanimals and he does really well with the rabbits. He reallywanted to sniff them and after that, he just kind of ignoresthem. He met them through the cages for a whilethough. I also have a yorkie. He is a littlestrange, he tries to mark his territory, his territory being thebunnies, so he isn't around them very often. I alwayssupervise all interactions.

The veggies: carrots and apples have lots of sugar, so not much andprobably not every day with these. I'm not sure that cabbageis a good food for rabbits. I think I read the outer leavesare ok. (I have reptiles and they all get the same mix andcabbage isn't good for reptiles.) Lettuces aregood. I use the organic baby greens mix or the spring mix alot. There is a good link on the cheatsheet for rabbit carethread on feeding.

you're joking right?how do we ever know what theywant and need?i read the cheat sheet but come on you know?she juststarted coming around us more when she is out, sniffing us and pushingher nose into our leg,that's good progress from what i understand inthe couple days i've had her:p,all i know is she is a handful and thefamily is talking about getting another one,i already have 2 dogs,2hamsters,fish and one bunny,i have a whole zoo!lolwould they be ok inthe same cage if they were both females?
carman wrote:
they be ok in the same cage if they were both females?
Not necessarily. I was under that same assumption when Ibought Basil home to Daisy, but I was incorrect. Daisy hatesBasil. It's gotten much better, better to the point that theycan run around together and don't spend the entire time thumping andwhen Daisy is in her cage, Basil can sniff it without Dasiy trying toget at her. They would most likely have to be spayed becauseproblems would begin once they were sexually mature. Bondingbunnies can be a long and difficult task. Again, there is agood link on the cheat sheet.


hey all,:?thanks alot for all yourhelp,well,he was going to get another female from the same place he gotthe first one[i wasn't there}i guess they were all in the same bigcage,all i need is more problems,i'm sure he wouldn't want to spendmore money on another cage,it was 50 as it was

am i supposed to give lettuce or cabbage then?i'm confused.also,carrots,apples every few days then?thanks again
the most i can say is just get asmany books as you can! read as many articles online as you can. I didntreally know anything with my first rabbit but you learn. It takes timeto learn their personalities and learn about rabbits! as far asfood...carrots you should give sparingly. maybe as a treat. they havecalories so you dont want to give them as much as greens. My bunnieslove parsley, cilantro, the green leafs on carrots, celery. try those.for treats you can try apples. just a couple thin slices, or somebanana. the banana should be given no more than 1inch once a day..butyou dont want to upset her belly so i would start out with 1/4 inch aday to see if she even likes it, if so then maybe 1/2 inch a coupledays later. i hope that helps. i can give you a better list of veggieslater if youd like.
carman wrote:
am i supposed to give lettuce or cabbage then?
Lettuce, but not iceberg, more like romaine. I use the hearts of romaine and they love it.

Read lots of books and articles on the internet. There is agood article about feeding in the 2005-2006 Rabbits magazine (ok, I'veonly read part of it, but it seems good). It can beconfusing, unfortunately the info seems to often becontradicting. I've just taken what I read most and made useof that. Anything I couldn't figure out I've posted on hereand gotten some really good answers.

Good Luck,


carman wrote:
you're joking right?how do we ever know what they want andneed?i read the cheat sheet but come on you know?

Lol, only half joking. Rabbits have a rather limited vocabulary and thesame sound doubles for many moods. You kind of have to read bodylanguage too. For example, if she's leaping at you with claws and teethout going "hmmph" it probably means "get away!". If he's running aroundyour legs with ears forward going "hmmph" it probably means he wantsattention. There are infinite variations thereof, and each animal isdifferent. In a month you'll be able to translate most of your rabbit'snoises. Take care of the basic needs, look for obvious signs of illhealth (not eating, not drinking, not running, etc.), and leave therest to time and getting to know each other.

thanks so much everybody,i really appreciate it,i will surely ask when i need more help THANKS AGAIN
Welcome aboard,Carman!

* * * * * *


That picture of Pebbles is the best I've seen of her so far.AbsolutelyPrecious!



Sometimes rabbits just thump for attention. One time myrabbit was in her cage and I had just gotten done playing withher. When I was in the kitchen, she thumped and thumped andthumped! There was no loud sounds, nobody was messing withher, she just wanted attention. She finally stopped when Icame back to the cage.

Also, my 2 rabbits are girls and they live together. But atfirst they were in seperate cages. If you want 2 girls tolive together, at first you should put them in seperatecages. Let each rabbit have a different playtime out theircage so Hoppity won't attack the other girl. If they were outtogether, there could be some serious fighting because rabbits of thesame sex don't usually get along. When you feel that they areready to be out at the same time, do it. But watch VERYclosely. If fighting begins, I would think Hoppity had someterritorial issue. So if fighting begins take them to aneutral territory.(Like the bathtub, etc.) Once they aretogether, they realize that no one has been in this territory before sothey start being nice to each other. If this is a success,then go back to the same playtime, but still seperate cages.Eventually they will not have any problems. But if fightingstill occurs, then it's straight back to the neutralterritory. I hope all goes well and GOOD LUCK!!!
