Sometimes rabbits just thump for attention. One time myrabbit was in her cage and I had just gotten done playing withher. When I was in the kitchen, she thumped and thumped andthumped! There was no loud sounds, nobody was messing withher, she just wanted attention. She finally stopped when Icame back to the cage.
Also, my 2 rabbits are girls and they live together. But atfirst they were in seperate cages. If you want 2 girls tolive together, at first you should put them in seperatecages. Let each rabbit have a different playtime out theircage so Hoppity won't attack the other girl. If they were outtogether, there could be some serious fighting because rabbits of thesame sex don't usually get along. When you feel that they areready to be out at the same time, do it. But watch VERYclosely. If fighting begins, I would think Hoppity had someterritorial issue. So if fighting begins take them to aneutral territory.(Like the bathtub, etc.) Once they aretogether, they realize that no one has been in this territory before sothey start being nice to each other. If this is a success,then go back to the same playtime, but still seperate cages.Eventually they will not have any problems. But if fightingstill occurs, then it's straight back to the neutralterritory. I hope all goes well and GOOD LUCK!!!