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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
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Northamptonshire, , United Kingdom
As a few of you know someone has asked if they can borrow Dippy so they can get a litter out of their doe.
After I thought about it I decided that I would let them borrow Dippy if we were given one of the babies - mum said yes and the person who wants to borrow him said yes as well.

I know some of you will be thinking this is a bad idea but I have it all planned. For my birthday I got a lot of money and I mean a lot of money enough money to be able to pay for any rabbit related emergencys and the new food.

You will never guess what - the doe is already a cross between a rex and dawrf lop - imagine the babies
part rex, part dwarf lop and part lionhead OMG I am so excited.


Becca :):rose::bunnydance:
I'm confused as to why someone would want to breed rex/dwarf lop/ lionhead kits. Wouldn't it be easier to adopt a young bun from a shelter?
I don't know if rabbits are anything like hamsters genetical wise but breeding lots of different breeds altogether can cause havoc with the babies. So many problems...

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I know you're very excited and the babies will probably be absolutely darling, but I too am concerned as to why someone would knowingly breed a mix doe. Is this person a breeder? I'm doubting so as they are going to breed a pet quality bunny. All I'm going to say is to be cautious and responsible. I know you know all these things and so I'm not going to go on a rant as to why this is or isn't a bad idea.

I'll support you Becca with whatever you decide. And I'm certainly not going to attack you for whatever you decide. You know I adore you and think you're so great. Just keep your mind open and think about what you're doing and do or do not want to support.

I have talked to mum about it and she said that we might be going to adopt one instead!! But that can'tr eally stop our friend from breeding. What should I do. We have already said she can have Dippy.
I would just tell her you have changed your mind if you have ;).

In my humble opinion, allowing a mixed bred doe to breed with another buck who will only create even MORE mixed bred babies is quite irresponsible, and I would not personally in good conscious be able to help that process..

I'm glad you guys have deciding on helping a shelter bun. That is awesome. Dippy is your bunny and your responsibility. Of course you can tell them that you have changed your mind. There is nothing wrong with that.

Good luck with your decision.
Becca how about if she asks you you tell her that you spoke to some breeders and there advice was not to because the rabbits don't match up and could cause more problems that way you are giving her the idea that its not a great idea too and may put her off it ;)
Question for the breeders:

Would this pairing result in possible danger for the mother or kits? If so, that would be a good thing for her to mention to her neighbor. If no, there is still no reason why an owner cannot change her mind about allowing her buck to mate.

Also, has anyone noticed changes in their bucks' personalities after being allowed to mate? That also might be something Becca could mention.

Just some thoughts to back up her argument.
I'm not sure about changes after being allowed to mate, but I have had an ex-breeding buck and he was quite nasty, he had a strange temperment. All he ever had on his mind was biting and growling and humping :?.
RESPONSIBLE people breed purebred pedigreed rabbits together to get purebred pedigreed better & strengthen the breed of rabbit.

I suggest if you want babies, go adopt one from the shelter or foster an already pregnant rabbit from the shelter.

To let someone borrow your buck to breed mixed breed rabbits is totally heartless, IMO. Save that "emergency" money and get your rabbits spayed/neutered.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but adding more mixed breed animals to the world purposely is much harsher. Think of all the rabbits dying right this second due to not having a home....then ask yourself if you'd still like to rent our your buck.

Becca, I'm glad you spoke to your mom and are considering adopting a rabbit from the shelter. I think that's a much more responsible decision. And if you do not want to allow your friend to use Dippy as a stud, just tell them so. He is your bunny and it's your responsibility to do what's right for him, for you, and for others.

Good job for thinking about other options and let us know what happens.
Hope you do get a bunny from a shelter! Its such a rewarding experience. Are you going to get it for a friend for one of your current bunnies? They aren't neutered are they?

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I have wrote her a letter this is what I have put:

I have been doing some research and have found out that mixing a different breed with an already cross-bred rabbit can cause problems with the kits and the doe.
Even though breeding with Dippy will not harm my rabbit it may harm yours and I care about rabbits very much and do not want any to get hurt.
If you really want baby rabbits you could go to a shelter and get a pregnant doe or maybe a new baby, because there are lots of rabbits in shelters that need homes. There are lots of different paths you could choose.
I am not saying that you cannot breed with your rabbit but I don’t want my buck to be responsible for any genetic problems in the kits.
I just wanted you to be aware of these issues so you can make an informed decision.

BabyBunnies wrote:
I have wrote her a letter this is what I have put:

I have been doing some research and have found out that mixing a different breed with an already cross-bred rabbit can cause problems with the kits and the doe.
Even though breeding with Dippy will not harm my rabbit it may harm yours and I care about rabbits very much and do not want any to get hurt.
If you really want baby rabbits you could go to a shelter and get a pregnant doe or maybe a new baby, because there are lots of rabbits in shelters that need homes. There are lots of different paths you could choose.
I am not saying that you cannot breed with your rabbit but I don’t want my buck to be responsible for any genetic problems in the kits.
I just wanted you to be aware of these issues so you can make an informed decision.

So glad you decided against breeding Dippy :highfive: , and well done on making the responsible decision :)

Like said, it would be better to use the money to get the female neutered so she can live with Dippy.
That's a really well-worded letter. I think you made a really good, responsible decision. Thanks for sharing your experiences in this matter. Have you decided to adopt from a shelter? We got both of our buns through adoption, and it is the best thing ever, IMHO. We've never regretted adopting.
You made a great decision and that is a very well written letter you have wrote! Just recently my sister and I wanted to breed our mixes, becuase the doe wants babies. I rethought the idea and instead I am going to save up money to get her spayed so she will have less chance of getting cancer and so there won't be any "acccidents".

I really want babies, especially mixed breds because you never know what color you are going to get. But they are also a bit harder to sell, and it will increase the population of mixes. I do know that mixes are the most popular and favorite rabbits but so many people are already breeding them so I don't need to. I may have a few mixed litters throughout the years. But not many.

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