Christina - Moderator
BSAR wrote:
When you say they are the most popular and favorite rabbits, I'm curious as to what experiences you've had that have given you that impression. I know the majority of rabbits in our shelter are mixed breed rabbits, but I think most people I've spoken to would rather adopt a pure bred rabbit, all other factors (price, age, sex, size, etc) the same, if given the option.
I really want babies, especially mixed breds because you never know what color you are going to get. But they are also a bit harder to sell, and it will increase the population of mixes. I do know that mixes are the most popular and favorite rabbits but so many people are already breeding them so I don't need to.
When you say they are the most popular and favorite rabbits, I'm curious as to what experiences you've had that have given you that impression. I know the majority of rabbits in our shelter are mixed breed rabbits, but I think most people I've spoken to would rather adopt a pure bred rabbit, all other factors (price, age, sex, size, etc) the same, if given the option.