So... I have been feeding my rabbit those store bought treats along with tons of fruits and veggies. Would ya'll recommended that I stop feeding those to him? He loves Timothy Biscuits and the yogurt drops, is there anyway I could make homemade yogurt drops? Are the Timothy Biscuits okay?
I would stop offering any store bought treats. Fruit IS considered a treat so a rabbit should not be getting `tons` of fruit. In fact 1 or 2 tbsp per day is the max recommended. So if bunny gets a 1" slice of banana, that's all he gets that day. Next day he could get a single slice of apple.
The reason fruits should be limited and the reason they are considered treats is because they are loaded with natural sugars.
If by 'timothy biscuits' you mean the compressed hay cubes (ingredients listed is nothing but timothy hay) those can be offered anytime.
Greens are fine for bunny and should be part of his daily diet.