Well-Known Member
Welcome to you and hope you enjoy your stay.
I just wanted to say a great place to start for info on bunnies is in the Cheat Sheet For Rabbit Care post.
You will find some useful facts and tips in there.
I have been here for a couple of months now and I find going backthrough old posts and reading them has certainly helped me out! ( Istill re read old posts quite often)
There is a search bar on the right hand side of the forum screen, justtype in what you are looking for and wallah up will come a whole rangeof things. Just click on the light blue part of the threads that comeup in the results part. (As soon as it pops up you'll know what I mean)
By all means still keep posting and what not, I just thought I'd letyou know that there is a search thingy I have found very useful too.
There are lots of caring bunny lovers here to welcome you and help you and share stories of and ups and downs with.
Once again Welcome and have fun