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Hey all newmembers!!! Here is something I did a while ago and I just figured Iwould show it to all the new members!! :D


Amy, I love Nimue's pix. You alwaysseem to catch him making great faces. Whenever I try to takepictures of my buns, they always sit up and stop doing the funny thingI wanted to capture. ;)

Harpo and Groucho went in for their neutering this morning. The vet wasgreat with info and handling them. Harpo was a wopping 3.5lbsand Groucho was 2.5lbs. And the vet confirmed Groucho was aBOY :dude:-- so the shelter sexed him right in the firstplace. Sitting on the edge of my chair at worktoday until I can call this afternoon for a status report.Then we pick them up this evening (right after my daughter's teethcleaning).
Groucho looks just like my Gracie with the exception of my girls gigantic ears that are way to big for her body
Yes, your Gracie looks just like Groucho. Except her ears are twice as long!:DWhat a cute pix.

Does she have some brown in her fur or is that just the camera? My boys are all grey.
she is mixed brown black grey and white, seems like she can't decide what colour she wants to be lol
At long last, it's Willow.....we put her atbetween 16-18 weeks old. First day with the new cam.....sorry about thered-eye. We are not sure about her breed but her coat is verythick and softer than any other we have felt, it looks like she has adewlap but itsnot.When we took her home she wasmostly the shade you see on the lower body with datker shadowing andonly black on the tips of her feet and muzzle. The muzzle furis also a lot finer than the main body.

Regardless of what breed she is, she is fitting in nicely.

I am a new rabbit owner .... 5 of them. They are dwarfs....that's all I know. We had two regular sized ones before a fewyears ago but they died after they were left outside in the middle ofTexassummer.

This time around, we are ensuring that we don't put out the rabbits outunless we have/get more information. Last time, we justwinged it and paid the price not too soon but not this timearound.

I am beginningto search some posts that have a potential toanswer some of my questions. Feeding, obviously, is a big onefollowed by keep them excercised. I don't have anything inthe cage right now but will go through the posts to learn what othershave done and what I can do.

Oh, I am in Dallas (Texas, U.S.A. - for those of you who don't live inU.S. and are notfamiliar with the city location) vicinity.



P.S. - Yes, it is a good idea to bunch all "Hello, I am new here" messages into one post.
Hi i am a new member and i live in the UK. Whata great forum this is!!!! I have already received great help and advicefrom Gypsy re fostering of kits so thank you Gypsy!!!

I keep Rex rabbits, both minis and standards. I have 4 does, blackmini, blue mini, 2 orange standards. I also have two bucks, onechocolate and one orange , both are standards. The chocolate wassupposed to be a girl before i caught him with a doe ha ha. that wasover 5 years ago now when i first started and have learnt so much since.

Rex rabbits are in high demand here and the majority of my kits go toshow/ breeding homes but not until they are thoroughly vetted ha ha

If ever I am not in the house my kids know where to find me!!

Thank you guys and its great to be a member on here

Welcome all new members. It is great to see newfaces. Rest assured that you have choosen the most awesome rabbitforum in existence. It has been a wonderful resource so far for me,and I hope that it is helpful to you all as well.
hello, I'm a new member who just recieved adwarf bunny 2 days ago. I just wanted to introduce myself andsay hi to everyone here.
Hello, I am new. My name is Amanda, age16from Wisconsin, and I have only one rabbit named Sabrina(picture of her on my avatar). She is a mix, a Dutch/Dwarf.On July 4th she will turn 5 years old. Last year was herGolden Birthday.

Here is a video of her running around a chair.


I also have lots ofpictures of her on my digital camera on my webpage:!1pIzBVLTlisgIGjoubJ2ffug!184&_c=PhotoAlbum