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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Hi, I've been a member for a while butI thought I'd finally start a blog to post some of mybunsstories andtheir pictures. So...this isbasically an experiment to see if I can figure out how to postpictures. I was wondering if someone could tell me how totake a picture from Photobucket and make it an avatar? Thanks!



Hi there!

Your bunnies are gorgeous, are they bonded? Your pics are perfectsize..dont worry about making them any smaller. To do an avatar, youwill need to resize the photo o be less than 100 pixels. I dont know ifyou can do it using photobucket..I use a photo editing software. Let meknow if you have trouble and I can resize it for you.

Cant wait to see a blog your bunnies! What are their names?

Thanks! I should be able to resize thepictures myself using the directions from that thread. Oneother do I put up more than one picture and make themscroll (like the ones of Basil, Max and Mr. Tumnus)? I have 4buns- Sherry (the little black one on the top), Pej (the spotted one),Button (a little Netherland Dwarf) and Buster (aHolland lop).

Haley- I have to tell you, everytime I see little Mr. Tumnus' avatar orhis picture on your blog he makes me smile! I think it'spartly just because his name is Mr. Tumnus. What agreat name! And that cute little tuft of hair on his headjust makes me laugh! :)
cmh9023 wrote:
One other do I put up more thanone picture and make them scroll (like the ones of Basil, Max and Mr.Tumnus)? I have 4 buns- Sherry (the little black one on thetop), Pej (the spotted one), Button (a little Netherland Dwarf) andBuster (aHolland lop).

Haley- I have to tell you, everytime I see little Mr. Tumnus' avatar orhis picture on your blog he makes me smile! I think it'spartly just because his name is Mr. Tumnus. What agreat name! And that cute little tuft of hair on his headjust makes me laugh! :)
aww thanks! He makes me smile too. He is such a character and the name is so fitting ;)

To make a flashing avatar, you will need to use a separate sotware. Imno good at took mea while to figure everything out!Once you resize your pics to the smaller size, you can use whats calledan "easy GIF animator". I just did a search and downloaded it for free.That will make the photos into a slideshow.

Hope this makes sense (feel free to pm me if you need more help)


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