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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
I just baught myself a new Nintendo DS game, Petz:Bunnyz. So far.. Its pretty cool. I have a Neatherland dwarf. And supprisingly it looks like one. lol. It just told me 'Dont poke your bunny to much, It will get mad' Aha.. I thought that was pretty funny. So im going to poke my bunny and see what it does...

:biggrin2:HereI go...

LOL!! It lasted 8 minutes?? Maybe you can take it back? Sounds cute though, even if it's not so exciting.
ETA: Heh, you posted while I was posting. Ignore the last part of this post, unless you change your mind, and do decide you don't want it anymore.

I've heard of that game. I asked for it for my birthday, which is comming up fast.

I don't think it sounds boring... But, than again, I really don't like action games.Expecially shooting games. For me, I LOOOVE games like Nintendogs and Animal Crossing- So the "Bunniez" games actually sound pretty pleasent to me. ^^

But that's just me.

Maybe you can take it back to the store (with the reciet(SP), assuming you kept it)and exchange it? Rather than leave the game sitting around, it'd make sence to bring it back and exchange it for something, or try to get your money back so you could buy something else that you'd actually play.

Good luck if you try to take the game back. I know not all stores are verry cooperative about that.

Game Stop will take back games with a reciept. :)

One time, we had a Guitar Hero disc, and it kept freezing and stuff, and we thought it was our TV, that it didn't work well with it. Like, a year later, I took it to my apartment and the same thing happened. So I went to a Game Stop and asked if I could just exchange it for a different disc of the same game. They were all yeah sure that's fine, but then found out I didn't have the reciept! I told them it was a gift from my parents in a differnt city and they weren't going to do it. But they were really nice and exchanged it for me anyways :biggrin2: I later found out that it was the PS2 at fault, not the disc *shrug*
Xila wrote:
I don't think it sounds boring... But, than again, I really don't like action games.Expecially shooting games. For me, I LOOOVE games like Nintendogs and Animal Crossing- So the "Bunniez" games actually sound pretty pleasent to me. ^^

But that's just me.

Me too, Me too!!! I also have animal paradise which is really good and i have animal crossing, nintendogs, dogz and catz :biggrin2:

Oh, okay.

I have Nintendogs too. Pretty fun.

No offence, but I shall stick to my Super Mario Bro's:biggrin2:.. Even though I feel like throwing my DS with it sometimes..:grumpy:

I`m going to play now, to feed her.

I named her Cassi :)

I think its a her...

Jade (Jadeicing, but im not to sure of your real name.. and if it`s jade. I will feel like a dope. )

Do the `Play`boxes randomly appear?

And how do I get more Water and Food. It's not like nintendogs where you can buy it...:?

And when the 'play' boxes pop up, do we get to have a say in the game. Like if we click it or something... Idk but they keep putting me in Difficult games

Ooooh I have it!!! I LOVE it! When I went on Spring Break to Florida to visit my grandma, I was having horrible separation anxiety from all my animals, so when I went to wal-mart I looked at the DS games and bought it!
Do the `Play`boxes randomly appear?

Yes, but they appear more often when the bun is happy!

And how do I get more Water and Food. It's not like nintendogs where you can buy it...:?

you have to earn it by playing games. the other way to get stuff is to open the cage and you can hold the bunny and just kind of move the hand around and look for little present boxes.

And when the 'play' boxes pop up, do we get to have a say in the game. Like if we click it or something... Idk but they keep putting me in Difficult games

no, there's no way to control it, unfortunately. just keep making the bunny happy so you can get more stuff! has cassie started talking to you yet? I love it when they's so cute!
I have two bunnies...Simba, a greyfuzzy lop, and Sofia, awhite and blackmini-lop. Let me know if you have any other questions...I love the game :biggrin2:
I have it and like it! Haven't played in a while though,too busy at work and home. I LOVED the Zelda DS game though!
Oh I have that game too, and like every other DS game there is including ones that arn't even in english, lol. That's one of the perks of dating a video game artist! He gets all the games, and I get to play them!

Lately I've been playing Final Fantasy 4 on DS :)
My little cousin (well shes 12, guess not that 'little' anymore!) has her Nintendo and she had a few 'Dogz' and 'Horsez' games which were cute but she loves all the shootnig games! My Mum has her Nintendo too!

I think I'll stick with my sims and Pharaoh and Titanic game (which is AMAZING!) All those looking after animal games remind me too much of the Tamagotchi craze (the first time round!) My Mum had a Dinky Dinosaur the same as me and I got annoyed with her and bit out all the buttons so it died... what a nice child.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I've got it and quite enjoy it. I have 3 Bunnies at the moment.

Hey Chunmom when you say they talk to you, can you actually hear them or just see what they say in print. I've never heard them talk.:(

I have that game. I tought my rabbit all its words :p. And got 4 new cages.

I have too many rabbits.

Also they can grow. Sometimes my Rabbit wont stop making play boxes appear.
SOOOSKA wrote:
Hey Chunmom when you say they talk to you, can you actually hear them or just see what they say in print. I've never heard them talk.:(


No, they don't actually "talk" to me...I wish, though...that would be SO cute! I love it when they say (or print) "Hey, listen to this"or ask "what do I say when..." and you have to tap on the shortened version of whatever it is they mean. Ooh, the other thing I love is when they tell me my fortune! It's really cute...I love the "your color is..."

But anyway! There are a few things I hope they change if they're gonna put out another version...I'd love it if the bunny would actually talk, and it would be nice to be able to purchase if they gave you x-amount of dollars for winning games or making the bunny happy.


It would be interesting if we could get the ear of the developer of this game to give them some tips on rabbits. :) Would be cool to see the game bunny binky whenever we made it really happy. :D

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