New Bunny??

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:groupparty:CONGRATULATIONS, Honeybunnie8!!!

I'm so happy for the little one. This "trial run"is practicallya done deal. The trick was gettingher in the house. Hope Lancelot gets used herquickly. That's your biggest hurdle I would think.

Well things are going OK...there has been alotof mounting and only 1 injury. So far Lancelot is the domating bunnybut the lil girl sure wants to be...last night after lots of chasingand mounting they finally just layed on the ground kind of ignoringeach other...which is a good sign right?? they would come close andeach put there head under the other kind of saying groom me, i thinkthen the mounting would start....I have never had 2 buns so is mountingthe falling over on his side still holding on to the other bun andgrunting normal??
Yes, it's normal that they're mounting likethat, especially since they're both so new to each other.They'reing to show the other one who's in control of thewarren. It's a good thing that they ignored eachother.

Just keep an eye on them and make sure the mounting and gruntingdoesn't lead to a fight. Sometimes just before rabbits startto fight, it can look like one charges another and runs right intothem, or they start running around really fast appearing to beplaying. You'll know. Just keep them closelysupervised at this time, which I'm certain you're doing.


*giggles* Atta girl!

That's all you can do!

What does your boyfriend think of all this racket??

:laugh:You're too much! That's cute.

I bet the little girl will steal his heart! :mrsthumper:

We will see...I think if they are getting alongor mostly getting along before he comes over will help.It will show himthat Lancelot would like a friend..For some reason the name Camillesticks out for her....

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