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Tammy B

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2014
Reaction score
Nova Scotia
Hi Everybody...

My name is Tammy and i am from Nova Scotia.
I have 2 bunnies a male and a female.I am having a hard time naming these guys and would like to request your help in any suggestions you may have.To help you out i will tell you a little bit about them.

The male is extemely bright and friendly.You can't walk by his cage without him constantly wanting attention lol.He is a very happy and excited lil guy.He'sut 5 months old.

The female is a lil more layed back and she is much older not sure of her age.
She likes to just laz around and not do too much but is also very friendly.

These buns i recently rescued from a very bad home and horriable living conditions.The female i believe also is pregnant.She was in with 3 males including the lil guy that i have.(they are seperated now)

I look forward to seeing if anyone else has any ideas for the prefect names for these 2.

First pic MALE...........Second pic FEMALE


Yes i saw you were having issues with her settling in?
The advice that was given to me was just go about your normal routine but make them part of it around the house.they'll used to it.Rabbits are very social creatures and their fear will get less with time but they are fight animals and they are born with a gene that makes them a lil spooky by nature for survival but once used to being a part of your family and household things get better.:rabbithop
All the new buns are adorable! :)

I was considering naming my new bun Scout or Willow before settling on Clementine. Perhaps one of those might suit your doe?
Those are awesome names...I will take them into consideration.

The male is really hyper...He almost has a temper tantrum if you don't pay attention to him right away lol:rabbithop
We steal our names from literature, movies and television. All of ours are rescues so the ones that come with names keep them. Our newest are Cosmo and that name suits him, and Mr hoppes who's named was shortened from Hopscotch to keep it simpler. Very cute bunnies.
We have settled on Stewie for the male and Meadow for the female.
They are awesome lil guys and i can't wait to see what their babies will look like when Meadow gives birth.
(well i'm not sure who dad is for sure but when she came to me she had been in with Stewie and 2 other males so he has a chance lol.)
She has started the nest building now :)

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