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Feb 22, 2005
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i have a friend that had 2 bunnies 1 buc and 1doe from the wva county fair. They are chineseminiature(dwarf) bunnies i believe. They have beenkept together since coming home in August. Well last eveningI received a phone call that there are now 4 baby bunnies.Apparently the buck was a doe and visa versa! They are allbeing kept in one outside hutch.

How long untill there could be more bunnies?

How much human involvement is best for the bunnies.

Are bunnies born with fur coats? It is pretty cold where they live.

I'm sure we will have more questions but i hope to find some answers already posted. Thanks !

I think they need to separate them right awaysince the buck and the doe can have more bunnies very soon, and alsothe babies need to be separated by sex before 12 weeks, I think.

Bunnies are not born with fur coats. But the mother pulls fur to keep the babies warm.
apparently these bunnies have fur on them already, so how old do you think they are?

also since the breeders at the county fair had the sex mixed up howeasy is it to tell them apart? I had heard it could bedifficult

thanks a bunch!

I won't be able to give you professional advice,you need to wait for forum breeders to respond, but I heard dwarfsdon't do good in the cold.
How long untill there could be more bunnies?

28 days later she could deliver again. They can become pregnantimmediatly after giving birth. This is hard on the rabbit and isunadvisable.

How much human involvement is best for the bunnies.

Babies are fine with human involvment. She should be checking themeveryday to ensure that the mom is feeding them. You can tell by theirfat little bellies if you check in the a.m.

As they get older the more human contact they have the better adjusted to humans they will be.

Are bunnies born with fur coats? It is pretty cold where they live.

Some have a light fur coat when they are born but for the most partthey are naked. As long as they are in the nest box and have plenty ofhay/straw and mama's pulled fur to burrow in they should be fine.

Fergi's mom

EDIT: Sexing kits is very difficult. Vets make mistakes as do peoplewho have raised rabbits for years. I brought my kits to the vet and ittook him over 20 minutes to determine the sexes of the babies.


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