New Baby Rabbit

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May 24, 2005
Reaction score
Walterboro, South Carolina, USA

Hey everyone! My name isRachel and I'm 12- despite my age, (which I assume I will be lookeddown on for) I do infact know a lot about many different species ofanimals.


Igot a new Rex rabbit (1 month old) for my birthday from myAunt in Florida (I live in South Carolina). I would like someinformation on rabbits and rabbit care.

I bought a few books inFlorida about them buit they don't seem to tell me anything I don'talready know.

Thank-you,(and feel free toe-mail me at:[email protected])

Check the top picks thread, there's alot of great links in there about care, feeding, body language, you name it, its there.

Congrats on your new bunny and welcome. Do you have pics? We'd love to see em!
Okay Thanks a lot! Isure do have some pictures but they aren't on my digital camera and Ihaven't got them developed yet. I will get some picts. of him with mydigi. camera as soo as I can though!!

Infact Chubs is sitting on my lapasleep right now. :) He's so cute! I have absolutly no idea how he issleeping with my little brother watching tobradar in the other room,and my neighbor and my mother talking in the kitchen at the counter! Iknow I couldn't!! L.O.L.

Thanks a lot Putergeekgirl!


Yes, I know. I try to find out as much as Ican about all of my animals. I will check that link out now!Thanks!!!
Hi Rachel and welcome to theforum!

I saw that people posted a link to the cheat sheet for rabbitcare.I know that doesn't answer all questions, butit's a good place to start.Just post any otherquestions and someone will besure to answer. Don'tworry about your age, just realize that weusually don't knowhow old people are, so most answers are addressed to people of allages. They just sometimes get taken wrong. If youfeel that people are criticizing you, just let them know in a calmmanner andrealize that they are just trying to help.

I think you will find good information here. I can't wait tosee some pictures! Is he a standard rex or a minirex? I have 3 mini rex. I'll post a pic of Basilone of my girls.

Thanks Cirrustwi!

Chubs is a standard rex. Wow! Basil is beautiful! I had ablack rabbit before, (I think it was just a regular rabbit, you know,cross breed.) but it had to stay at a friend's house. WHen I was gone,my friend's mo gave her away!! I am still agry at her for that. Imissed Pebbles a lot. I think that is another reason my Aunt gave meChubs.

Thanks again!!
OK, I have one question!

What is the most recommended bedding for baby rabbits? Ihave him in a solid-bottom cage at the moment, since the bigger oneswith wire bottoms hurt his feet. I am using some Carefresh bedding withhay on top right now, but I really need to know before I go to the petstore tommarrow.

Whitehorse wrote:
I missed Pebbles a lot. I think that is anotherreason my Aunt gave me Chubs.

My bunny is named Pebbles. You can see all the pebblesshe leaves behind. :DShe is a Netherland Dwarf, 11 monthsolds. I don't use any bedding on the plastic floorof our cage. I have a small piece of carpet for herto lay on, but you have to be very careful she doesn't biteor chew on the carpet.

Rainbows! :angel:

Carefresh is fine, but some people don't useanything, just a straw mat or something like that for them to siton. My buns have NIC condos with plastic on thebottom. I have towels in there for them. Theysometimes chew holes in the towels but they never ingestthem. This works best if they are litter trained.You can also use aspen pine shaving.

As for litter, the best thing is Woody Pet! Everyone here isnuts about it. You can find it at most Tractor SupplyStores. If you go to the web site can search for a supplier. If you can't find that, FelinePine works the same way or a recycled newspaper litter, likeYesterday's News, is good.


Hi and welcome to the forum!

I use Carefresh for my bun. Not everyone's bunnies likehaving litter on the floor, but mine likes it. She just gotspayed yesterday and sometimes she just squishes her sore little buttinto it.:p
Wow! Pebbles is soo cute! I like the dwarf bunnies- mainly becuase they stay small, like a baby all their lives! lol.


I just got back from Petsmart, I brought Chubswith me!!:DHe had fun. I let him pick out the treats hewanted, and the food bowl he wanted, and the new harness, and a littlecozy bed-like thing the he really liked.

He came to the Pizza Inn too! lol it was sooo funny! Everyone thoughtthe little bag he was in was my purse! He he- they had absolutly noidea I hada rabbit in there!!!

Oh! I asked a lady at Petsmart (who said she raised rabbits) what sheused for bedding. She said she grows a little patch of grass in heryard and cuts it once a week. When she does that, she gets a bigplastic tub and fills with the fresh cut grass, and uses that.

SHe said it works great, because it certainly cannot hurtthem if they ingest it, and it doesn't hurt their feet, and it doesn'tstick the plastic floor either.

So when I got home I went and cleaned Chubs' cage and raked up some ofthe grass my mom cut yesterday and searched through it to get any bugsout. No bugs!

As soon as I put Chubs back in his cage he started eating it. Then searched through his new toys and things.

Does grass sound like a good idea??
I'm still very new at this but for what it'sworth. I only put aspen shavings in the litter box and leavethe rest of the cage bare. For me it's alot easier to cleanand a whole lot cheaper too. When I had the aspen in there asbedding it was just sooo messy. It kept getting caught intheir furr. They kept moving it away anyway so they can laydown. They seem to like the bare floor better. Iwould imagine that the grass would be fine but that can be messytoo. I've also noticed that when I only put the aspen in thelitter box that they urinate only in the litter box now. But like Isaid I am still new at this.

I wouldn't recommend using grass. It may workfor the employee of evil petsmart *snicker* because she sort of"harvests" it, but it might be kind of risky until you know what kindof grass it is, that there are no pestisides or animal waste in it(which shouldn't be too hard to figure out), and that it doesn'tcontain mites.

Personally, I *love* carefresh, but since you are 12 I would imagineyou might want to try the cheaper route since you don't have a steadypaycheck. (Forgive me if you do in fact have some kinf of job; I'm justmaking blind assumptions here.)

I would definatly try some of the things mentioned here; like no bedding or washable towels. :)
Hey Charlie!

Thanks. I'll note that. I think he likes the grass, but likeI said, he's only 1 1/2 months. I'll stick with the grass for now, andsee how he reacts to it. If he changes his mind about it, I sure willtry leaving it bare with Aspen in the litter box.

I was a little worried about Pine, Cedar, and Aspen as I have hamsters(and have for years now) and I know they can kill a hamster, so I waspretty worried. Thats why I started with Carefresh and hay.

At my aunts, all they used was hay. He didn't seem to like it thatmuch, as he was so small, he couldn't see the other side of the cage!(lol) The hay would block his veiw if anything.

I was just trying to take some pictures. I took like- five on a floppydisk and I tried to download it on my PC and it kept telling me thedisk wasn't formatted. So I formatted it, and took about seven thattime. Them\n it told me that I hadn't took any pictures at all!!! So Igot the digital camera and took some pictures then... and when Idownloaded them, I couldn't see ANTHING! It was too blurry. So I've hadit with the cameras today. I'll try again tommorrow... oh, no.

I'll have to try again Sunday. I am going to work with a horsetommorrow. (It cant be ridden. I gotta ride and lounge it some beforeit goes through my grandfather's auction- lol- it bucked my 14 yr. oldfriend off, then stomped on her, and waited till she got up and thekicked her!!!! lol and whats funny is it's like- pony size!!!!)

Well I gotta go now, will be back soon.

Thanks everyone!!!
Hi Lindsey. I don't really have a problem withbuying carefresh. I do with my two hamsters and my little brother'shamster. I did when I had two rats and three hamsters, my brother'shamster, and my seven baby chickens and two kittens.

Yeah i have a kind of a job. I work at my grandfather's horse auctionbarn, riding horses and caring for them and working on the ones whocan't be ridden for who-knows-what reasons.

Lol.. so, yeah. I can do that. I usually have to buy anything I needfor my animals, which I will list them all in a minute. lol.

Thanks again!

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