Wow! Pebbles is soo cute! I like the dwarf bunnies- mainly becuase they stay small, like a baby all their lives! lol.
I just got back from Petsmart, I brought Chubswith me!!
He had fun. I let him pick out the treats hewanted, and the food bowl he wanted, and the new harness, and a littlecozy bed-like thing the he really liked.
He came to the Pizza Inn too! lol it was sooo funny! Everyone thoughtthe little bag he was in was my purse! He he- they had absolutly noidea I hada rabbit in there!!!
Oh! I asked a lady at Petsmart (who said she raised rabbits) what sheused for bedding. She said she grows a little patch of grass in heryard and cuts it once a week. When she does that, she gets a bigplastic tub and fills with the fresh cut grass, and uses that.
SHe said it works great, because it certainly cannot hurtthem if they ingest it, and it doesn't hurt their feet, and it doesn'tstick the plastic floor either.
So when I got home I went and cleaned Chubs' cage and raked up some ofthe grass my mom cut yesterday and searched through it to get any bugsout. No bugs!
As soon as I put Chubs back in his cage he started eating it. Then searched through his new toys and things.
Does grass sound like a good idea??