Neville's First "Big Boy" Adventure

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Hi Emily,

First off bottle or bowl?

Let's just say, you start Harvey out at 2 drops per 10 oz of water for the first week. Let his system identify it. Second week you can add 4 drops per 10 oz. You will be able to smell the differences. It depends on your rabbit and his metabolism. You don't want to overdue it so take your time. Plus watch that Harvey is still drinking. If he starts to back off the water, back off the drops. Don't stop them just back them off.

Willard is 15 drops
Dobby is 15 drops again. We backed off to 13 when he stopped really drinking and gradually added it again and he's fine with it.
Kreacher is 10 drops
Neville is up to 2 drops now.

These are bowls that hold 10 to 12 oz of water. We don't use bottles for our personal reasons.

In about 2 weeks after starting we actually could smell the difference. The urine smell had gone.

ACV is really a good way to help your rabbit and yourself. It's good for the kidneys, liver and the entire urinary tract. What you are doing is actually adjusting the bunny's PH. It helps fight kidney stones, gall stones, bladder issues that could occur when your bunny grows older.

Let me know how Harvey does. Just remember always do things slowly. Take your time with it. Wish you all the success.

K :)

BTW our dog Jake get it too. 3 tsp in a 1/2 gallon of water a day. And they ALL love it. Look forward to it each morning.
snowflakesmama wrote:
omg neville is the fluffiest most unique rabbit ive ever seen

Thanks so much. It's been amazing watching this little one turn from a fluffy "I don't know where I am or care who you are", to a "I'm comfortable and like where I'm at and please come visit me". Just like Kreacher and Dobby.

K :)
MagPie wrote:
Thanks Karen :) I'll try and find some. He's on a bottle. A bowl get tossed around XD soooo that doesn't work well.

Very easy to find, It's your grocery store. I use "Heinz" Apple Cider Vinegar. But you can also go to a health food store and get the organic.

I'm one of those believers that there really isn't much difference between processed and organic.

K :)



Neville is getting so good with grooming. Such a gentleman. Here's some pics we took last night of our Little Man.

12 weeks old today!

What a cutie! He is turning out to be a gorgeous rabbit! My two are not so good yet. I have only had them less than 24 hours so they still have to get used to me. Pumpkin and Cotton though are pros! They don't even mind being flipped onto their back and having their bellies and chest done.
LindseyG wrote:
What a cutie! He is turning out to be a gorgeous rabbit! My two are not so good yet. I have only had them less than 24 hours so they still have to get used to me. Pumpkin and Cotton though are pros! They don't even mind being flipped onto their back and having their bellies and chest done.

Thanks LindseyG. He is really growing up to be such Handsome Young Man.

It took Neville a good Month of everyday grooming for him to now be totally relaxed. Also is getting much better when I flip him to do his belly and chest. Not fighting as much. Still objects around his litte boy parts (holds his feet firmly to his belly) but once I coax his legs to relax, he does let me make sure no knots are there.

Your babies will be pro like Pumpkin and Cotton in no time!

Every Sunday morning, we listen to "Breakfast with the Beatles". We are really fascinated how Neville perks up when he hears John Lennon's voice. He loves to listen. He will listen and just melt to relaxation.

Well they say music will tame the beast. And John does it for Neville.

Really glad because we both enjoy listening to the many variations of the Beatle songs. My husband has collected studio tapes. A costly investment, value unknown. But it's amazing how they (John, George, Paul and Ringo) put it all together.

Any other bunnies out there like music? I know mine all enjoy. And was so thrilled that Neville followed. Was a bit nervous about it scaring him, but he just loves to hear John sing. And he is now picking out the songs that John leads on. We watch hi and it's amazing.

Oh well, I'm crazy, and I know it. Guess what, I love it!


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